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One, yep, I was keeping count of every thing she said against Delia, three strikes and I’d belt the bitch.

“I thought it was because she was the product of rape….. I thought she was a bad reminder for you…… I even treated her…….” He turned to Joann.

“What kind of monster are you…what…how?”

This guy was too much even for me, he looked around the room as if searching for answers, Joann in the meantime was trying to disappear into the wall.

“Would you have ever told me the truth, would I have died believing that the child was Celine’s?”

“What difference does it make now? That was years ago, I’ve been loyal to you since then, it was only that one time, I was so lonely Carl can’t you understand you’d been gone for….”

“I wasn’t gone you filthy bitch I was off fighting a war and you were…” He looked like he was going to be sick. Celine meanwhile started up her laughing fit again, it almost seemed like she’d gone around the bend, in my practice I didn’t have too much cause to deal with drug addiction or the side effects of drying out cold turkey so I just knew the barebones facts, but if I had to take a guess I would say its not for the faint of heart. Fuck she was a mess.

No one else in the room had spoken since the family farce had begun, Joann for once was left without a thing to say, then again, what could she say, faced with the truth as she was?

There was a roar of anger, followed by a blur of movement as Major Carl Fielding took the necessary steps to reach his wife.

Before anyone had any idea of his intent, the major picked his wife up and chucked her out a window.

“What the fuck?” I didn’t think he had it in him, good, he’d done what my love for Delia kept me from doing.

Chapter 20


“Well that’s one way to handle it, though I think our idea was much more humane.”

Vito was cold as fuck as he walked over to the window.

The security team had already subdued a broken, sobbing Major Fielding, while his daughter looked on in a daze, I guess she figured she might be next so it was best to put crazy on hold.

Maybe they should release him so he could finish the job, I wouldn’t mind one bit, three birds with one stone.

Dad and I headed down the four flights of stairs while the others stayed behind. Already Drew was looking for a spin to give the authorities, that’s my brother.

Her body was a twisted mess, there was blood already pooling around her.

She groaned in misery as we approached, her neck at an odd angle. I knew what that meant.

“Help me……” The words were garbled by the blood in her throat, maybe the bitch would drown on her own blood.

Dad gently turned her head slightly to avoid that happy occurrence, oh well, she could always die from her injuries, I should be so lucky.

I looked down at her and couldn’t find the human heart that I knew lived in me, why should I care after the way she’d treated her own child? Even all these years later instead of coming clean she’d still fed me that lie to save face, almost destroying my wife in the process. Fuck her, fuck her, fuck him and fuck her scuzzy drugged out mess of a daughter, I wish I could surround the building with gasoline and strike a match. After putting her back inside with the others of course.

The doctor in me wanted to help, the husband in me said fuck the bitch, she got what she deserved.

“Let’s get her out of here, I’ll make the call.” Dad took out his phone to call the paramedics.

Things had changed drastically, now we had a crime scene on our hands and there were going to be a lot of questions too bad we coding just bury all their asses in the back.

Dad made the call for the ambulance before kneeling down to take her hand in his. That’s my father, compassionate to everyone, even those who’d shown none, me, not so much.

By the time the ambulance arrived with the police behind them, the Escalantes had had Celine spirited away, we plight had always been planned to be separate from her parents, that was my call, the bitch had not only tried to cuckold me, but she’d gone after my wife and child, no fucking way she was getting away with it.

Fielding was out of our hands now I’m sure, if she survived he’d be charged with attempted murder, if she died, oh well.

Either way works for me a good ten or more years in jail was good enough payment for him because although he might not have known the truth, he still contributed to her hell.

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