Page 16 of Her Beast

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“You like seeing a man take his cock into his hand.”

“It’s a beautiful drawing,” she said.

“This is more than a drawing, Hope. It’s a temptation. Don’t you see that?” He reached out as she held both hardback covers, and he turned the page. It was hard for her to not gasp. That same cock was seen running through the lips of a woman’s pussy. “Our bodies are made for fucking. These are just pages, giving a glimpse of the real thing.”

She closed the book up, not even wanting to deal with that temptation, and slid it back into its spot. Her emotions were all over the place because all she could think about was a cock sliding inside a woman’s pussy as perfectly as that book did in that space.

When she turned around again, Beast was close. He placed one hand on the books beside her head along with the other one, staring down at her, trapping her against his hard body and the books. She didn’t mind at all.

In fact, there was nowhere else she’d rather be.

“You’re a curious little thing.”

“What more is there to be?” she asked, tilting her head back, staring at him. She couldn’t look away, nor did she want to. With how close he was, she wondered if he was going to kiss her. His body was so close to hers, and she didn’t want him to back away. She craved his touch.

They were the only two people in the world as far as she was concerned. Anything could happen.

Her gaze went to his lips, and she bit her own. What would it feel like to have his mouth on hers, to take what he wanted without any thought from her?

No one had ever kissed her before, and she’d never wanted anyone’s kiss. Slowly, she placed her hands on his chest.

He was rock-solid, and she’d seen the gym that he kept near the pool house at the bottom of the garden. She had yet to see him work out in it, but that didn’t matter.

“You’re playing with fire, Hope.”

“I don’t care.” She didn’t have the first clue what she was doing, only that she couldn’t stop herself as she stepped close, bringing her body to his, finally feeling him against her.

One of his hands fisted inside her hair, tugging on the length, making her gasp as he pulled her head back. She didn’t look away, nor was she afraid. Something told her that Beast couldn’t hurt her.

His other hand still rested on the bookcases behind her. The angle that he held her meant her body was in full contact with him, and she felt the hard ridge of his cock pressing against her stomach.

“You have no idea what you’re doing.”

“Then teach me, Beast. Teach me what I’m doing.”

Slowly, she drew one hand down, cupping his cock. This was the most blatant she’d ever been in her life. She didn’t have a clue what to do, but it was like she was running on instinct, and that alone charged her actions, making it hard for her to think past anything else.

She gasped as his lips crashed against hers, pressing her against the bookcase, making her moan and ache all over just with the power of his kiss. Wrapping her arms around him, she never wanted to let him go, and refused to give him up. His cock pressed urgently against her pussy, and she cried out, needing everything he could give her, and more. There wasn’t a second that went by that she didn’t want more.

There was no fear, just need.

Her pussy was on fire, her nipples rock hard, begging for his touch, and for more.

Beast shoved her against the bookcases, taking both of her hands and holding them above her head, keeping her trapped as he kissed her.

His tongue trailed across her lips, and she closed her eyes. When she opened her lips, he plunged inside, and she tasted the coffee on his breath.

“You taste so fucking good. I bet every single part of you tastes like perfection.”

One of his hands let go of her wrist, and a finger trailed down her arm, across her breasts, toward her pussy.

“You want me to teach you?” he asked.

“Yes.” She didn’t have a clue what was happening right now, but she didn’t want it to stop.

“Friday night, come to my room. Dwayne’s away for the weekend. We’ll have the whole house to ourselves, and cancel your shift at the diner. You’ll belong to me.”

Before she could ask any questions, he was gone.


The rest of the week went by without any event whatsoever. Beast often contemplated what the fuck he was doing. He watched Hope from afar, seeing the way she turned toward him. Her curious eyes always drove him crazy, wanting to know more. What was she thinking half the time that she stared at him? He honestly didn’t know. There were times he caught her in the library staring at that same book, which gripped her attention. Each time, it made his damn cock thick imagining her spread on his bed, begging for his cock.

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