Page 58 of Brand of Possession

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Stacy grimaced as she remembered the way Paul Forbes had touched her. ‘Yes.’

‘I’ve almost finished my work here,’ Juliet said with a sigh. ‘I’ll be quite sorry to leave. It’s been quite interesting, especially the last few days.’

‘If you’re talking about me then don’t be upset, I’m going back to London myself in a couple of days. We’ve shot all my scenes but the rape one. Martin Payne seems to be avoiding shooting it, although I have to admit I’m not too eager to do it myself. But I would like to get away, things have become very complicated around here lately.’ Not least her feelings for Jake.

‘You surely don’t want to leave Mr Weston?’ Juliet sounded scandalised. ‘I’d hold on to him for as long as I could.’

So would Stacy if she had the chance. But she had meant it when she had told him she didn’t go in for affairs, and no matter how tempted she was to stay on here as his guest she knew she wouldn’t do it, couldn’t do it.

‘I’m only a fleeting attraction to him,’ she told Juliet. ‘Once I’ve left he’ll probably take out one of the other girls.’

‘And just about all of them would be willing to do that.’

Stacy turned away so that Juliet shouldn’t see how much that would hurt her. ‘I’m sure they would,’ she agreed softly. ‘Are you coming in for a swim? I think Matthew should have cooled off by now.’

The water was pleasantly warm and after spending half an hour or so swimming they all got out to dry off in the sun. The conversation didn’t return to the subject of Jake Weston or Paul Forbes, something for which Stacy felt grateful. As far as Jake was concerned she was living from meeting to meeting, and if his only reasons for seeing her were to protect her from Paul Forbes and because he himself desired her then that was better than nothing. He would demand nothing of her she didn’t want to give; he had already said he liked his women willing.

Juliet left them about four, wanting to lie down in the cool room and rid herself of a headache so that she could join Matthew later. But even so Matthew refrained from asking Stacy any more questions, although he did offer to drive her back to London when her work here was finished.

‘I have more to do myself,’ he said. ‘But I told Juliet I would drive her back when she was ready, so I might as well take both of you.’

They were just entering the hotel to go up to their rooms to bathe before dinner, and Stacy reached up to kiss his cheek gratefully. ‘You’re a real friend, Matthew,’ she smiled.

She turned, the smile still on her face, to find Jake and his lawyer just entering the hotel, the grim look on Jake’s face telling her that he had witnessed the kiss she had just innocently given Matthew. And he looked furious about it!


STACY dressed for dinner not knowing whether Jake would keep their date or not. After a curt nod at them he had marched off in the direction of the bar, and after a resigned shrug Brad Delmain followed him.

Stacy had made a hurried goodbye to Matthew and rushed to her room before she broke down and cried in front of him. Juliet was asleep, so she quietly went into the bathroom, the sound of the running shower drowning out her crying.

Jake had looked so angry, his hands clenched into fists at his sides, a white tenseness about his mouth. And she had to admit he had good reason. He didn’t realise she regarded Matthew as purely a friend, and he had already acted jealous of the younger man. What would he think of her now!

Juliet woke up feeling groggy, but determined to go out with Matthew if it killed her. She had looked better after showering and applying her make-up and had gone off quite happily with Matthew fifteen minutes earlier, leaving Stacy to wait for Jake.

She had dressed with great care, wanting to look her best for him if he did turn up. The skirt of her black dress flowed to just below her knees in fixed pleats, the two tiny cups that made up the bodice held up by two thin straps from the centre of her breasts and secured about her throat. The gown gave the impression of being halter-necked, although it was mainly held in place by her uptilted breasts, her shoulders bare and tanned a golden brown.

For once she had secured her hair in a tight knot on top of her head, several loose tendrils alleviating the severity of the style, and a black artificial rose pinned to one side of the knot.

She looked what she didn’t feel, sophisticated and self-assured, her make-up perfect if heavier than she usually wore, the bruises on her arms expertly covered by a light dusting of make-up.

She jumped nervously at the sharp knock on the door, self-consciously checking her appearance in the full-length mirror before opening the door. Her eyes widened at Jake’s suave appearance, the white suit and black silk shirt fitting him perfectly, emphasising the width and power of his shoulders, tapering down to his slim waist and muscular thighs.

He didn’t say a word, just looked down at her with those cold blue eyes that sent a chill down her spine. She licked her lips nervously. ‘Good evening,’ she greeted huskily.

The coldness in his eyes increased. ‘Is it?’ he asked curtly.

She swallowed hard. ‘I—I thought so.’

‘Did you indeed?’ he snapped.

‘Yes,’ she said miserably.

‘Well, are you going to ask me in or do you have Day in there?’

She gasped. ‘Matthew? But Matthew is—’

‘I have no wish to hear what he is or isn’t.’ He pushed the door open, walking past her into the room. ‘Come here,’ he ordered, his eyes narrowed.

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