Page 42 of Brand of Possession

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‘He had a different story, but I soon shut his foul mouth for him.’ He seemed to control his anger with great difficulty. ‘Now, I think we’d better do something about getting you to bed.’

She looked down ruefully at her ripped dress. ‘I think I’m going to be a bit conspicuous going to my room like this.’

‘You aren’t going to your room, you’re staying here,’ Jake announced calmly.


HER panic-stricken face was raised to his. Surely she hadn’t escaped one sexual trap to get caught in another one equally dangerous? Surely Jake couldn’t be that cruel? ‘What—what do you mean?’ she faltered.

Jake sighed, giving her a reproachful look. ‘I mean you’re too distraught to go back to your own room. You can stay here where I can be sure you won’t come to any more harm—for tonight at least.’

Stacy shuddered. ‘I won’t ever be fooled by Paul Forbes again.’

‘You’re so naïve anyone could take you in—and does.’

She struggled against him. ‘If you’re just going to be insulting—’

Jake stayed her movements. ‘I’d like to do something completely different, but I think you’ve had enough for one night.’ He stood up, pulling her to her feet. ‘Come on, let’s get you to bed.’

She hung back. ‘I really don’t think … I share a room with Juliet, she’ll keep me company until I can get to sleep.’ If she ever did! Memories of that attack would stay with her for a long time.

‘She may not be back in your room yet. I don’t think you should be alone right now. I’ll stay with you until you’re asleep.’

‘But if anyone should find out …’

‘They won’t,’ he said firmly.

She gave in without any more fight, feeling safe here with Jake, which was strange considering her nervousness with him the last two days. But he was a man who would never need to resort to brute force, his charm and sensual magnetism made that unnecessary.

He took her into what was obviously an occupied bedroom, with male articles of clothing scattered about the room, a box of cheroots lying on the bedside table.

Stacy came up with a start. ‘I— This is your room,’ she accused.

‘Sure it’s my room. I told you I don’t want you to be alone.’

‘Yes, but—’

‘It isn’t what you’re thinking, Stacy. You’re going to get under the coverlet on the bed and I’m going to sit beside you until you fall asleep.’

‘And where are you going to sleep?’

‘I’m not, I’m going to stay here with you.’

‘But wouldn’t it be easier—’

‘You’re staying here! I’m not having any more arguments.’ He pushed her down on to the bed, pulling the bedspread over her and switching out the light. ‘Now sleep.’

She looked at him with huge green eyes. ‘You won’t leave me?’ she asked pleadingly.

‘No,’ his hand firmly grasped hers as it lay on the coverlet. ‘Goodnight, Stacy.’

‘Goodnight.’ She watched him as he sat in the chair beside her until her eyelids began to droop and she finally fell asleep, his dark reassuring presence the last thing she saw before she faded off into oblivion.

She awoke once in the night screaming, sobbing until she felt hard comforting arms holding her tight until she drifted off to sleep once again.

It was late in the morning when she woke up next, stretching before sitting up in the strange bed. She gasped as the bedclothes fell back to reveal her nakedness, thankful that she was at least alone in her embarrassment. Jake must have undressed her in the night. But why? And where was he now?

She dived back under the covers as he came into the bedroom unannounced, looking darkly attractive in black trousers and a black fitted silk shirt.

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