Page 30 of Brand of Possession

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‘Oh no!’ Stacy’s face showed her dismay. ‘That’s the last thing I want!’

‘I thought you liked him?’

‘I do, as a friend. Anything else was over between us long ago.’

‘I see,’ Juliet said slowly. ‘In that case perhaps you wouldn’t mind helping to convince him that I’m more than just one of the crowd. He doesn’t even seem to realise I’m feminine most of the time,’ she grimaced.

‘I didn’t realise …’ Stacy began.

‘That I like him?’ Juliet finished. ‘You weren’t supposed to. I don’t go around pinching other girls’ boy-friends.’

‘You wouldn’t have been doing that.’

‘No, but I didn’t realise that. If you could have seen how angry he was when he got your message this morning you wouldn’t be in any doubt as to his concern for you.’

‘Concern, yes,’ Stacy nodded. ‘But I’m sure you’re wrong about him feeling anything else. We’ve been friends a long time.’

Juliet looked uncertain. ‘Do you really think that’s it?’

Stacy squeezed her hand. ‘I’m sure of it. And we’ll have to see what we can do about you and him.’

‘And you’re definitely off Mr Weston?’

She wasn’t ‘off’ him at all. He was fascinating, had made her feel that she was the most attractive woman in the world to him. But he probably made every other female he met feel the same way—including his wife! He was an out-and-out rake, and she would have to forget him. If only she didn’t still find him so attractive!

‘I won’t be seeing him again,’ she answered evasively. ‘At least, not intentionally.’

‘He is the story consultant.’

‘I know that,’ Stacy said sharply. ‘That’s why I said it wouldn’t be intentionally. I can’t avoid him if it’s to do with the film.’

‘You do realise that now you’re back on the payroll you’ll have to go through the rape scene with the amorous Mr Forbes?’

‘Oh no!’ Stacy’s dismay was obvious. ‘I’d forgotten all about that.’ And with Jake Weston as the story consultant she would probably have him in the audience. God, how embarrassing, especially after the passionate kisses they had shared!

‘I shouldn’t worry about it,’ Juliet advised. ‘After Mr Weston he should be easy to handle.’

Stacy nodded. ‘Like comparing a kitten to a tiger.’

Juliet arched an eyebrow. ‘That bad?’

‘That good,’ Stacy corrected derisively.

‘Oh,’ Juliet grinned meaningly.

‘Mm. I’m going to get dressed for dinner.’ She didn’t want to discuss her reaction to Jake any further.

Juliet looked at her wrist-watch. ‘Goodness, yes, it’s getting late.’

Stacy donned her emerald green dress, still very much with her thoughts on Jake Weston. Why had he lied to her like that—why? She had really liked him, and it was difficult not to be attracted to him. If only he weren’t married, she might have forgiven him for deceiving her about his identity. But nothing could alter the fact that he was a married man—or that he had lied about it.

Matthew and Daniel were already seated at their table when the two girls entered the dining-room. Matthew stood up to hold out Stacy’s chair for her while Daniel did the same for Juliet. ‘I wasn’t sure you would be joining us,’ Matthew said almost resentfully.

She gave him a bright smile. ‘Why shouldn’t I?’

‘I thought perhaps you might be dining with Weston as well.’

‘As well?’

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