Page 29 of Brand of Possession

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‘Juliet, please!’ Stacy said sharply. ‘Look, until a few minutes ago I didn’t even realise he was Jake Weston.’

Her friend looked exactly as she had expected her to look, disbelieving. ‘Everyone knows who he is,’ she scorned.

‘Well, I didn’t,’ Stacy said crossly. ‘And neither did Matthew last night.’

‘He does now. He’s furious about the way Mr Weston commandeered you.’

Stacy looked surprised. ‘I don’t seem why, Matthew and I are only friends.’

‘I think he could have changed his mind about that, he’s absolutely green today.’

Stacy stood up impatiently. ‘He’s just being ridiculous. It didn’t work out between us before and as far as I can see neither of us have changed. I don’t see why he’s acting the jealous boy-friend.’

‘It’s probably seeing you with someone else that’s done it,’ said Juliet.

‘He’s seen me with other men before.’

‘But no one like Jake Weston.’

Stacy’s eyes sparkled angrily. ‘Just the sound of his name makes my blood boil!’

‘Am I allowed to ask why?’ Juliet was obviously filled with curiosity.

Stacy sighed, telling her of Jake’s deception. ‘He says he did it because he wanted me to like him for himself. I don’t believe him.’

‘Mm,’ Juliet looked thoughtful. ‘It is a strange thing to do.’

‘Strange?’ Stacy burst out. ‘It’s downright stupid! As soon as we got back to the hotel one of the staff gave him away. I was already angry with him, but that just about finished me off.’

‘You were angry with him?’

She nodded. ‘Just another of his little jokes. He was teasing me about whether or not he’s married.’

‘Oh, he is,’ Juliet said unhesitantly.

Stacy paled, sitting down on the bed abruptly. ‘He is?’ she asked dully.

‘Oh yes, that was another reason Matthew was furious. I was a bit surprised myself, but I—Hey,’ she noticed Stacy’s stricken look, ‘I thought you said he’d told you about his marriage?’

She shook her head. ‘He said he was married but that he isn’t now.’

‘Well, maybe he isn’t. We don’t get all the gossip over here.’

‘Don’t make excuses for him, Juliet,’ Stacy cut in. ‘It’s just one more lie he’s told me.’

‘But I could be wrong,’ Juliet insisted. ‘Don’t blacken the poor man’s character just because of something I’ve said.’

Stacy shook her head. ‘He put the suspicion in my mind first. He didn’t seem to think it mattered whether or not he was married, didn’t see what possible difference it could make to us going out together. He only told me he wasn’t married because I told him it did matter to me.’

‘Oh dear, I think I can see now why he isn’t very popular with you,’ agreed Juliet.

‘He’s decidedly unpopular.’

‘Oh well,’ Juliet grinned, ‘it will make one person happy, anyway.’

‘It will?’

‘Mm, Matthew. The way he’s boiling over right now I think he might even propose.’

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