Page 21 of Brand of Possession

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your clothes off,’ she taunted to cover her embarrassment.

‘No,’ he laughingly agreed.

‘Well, don’t count that as a first.’ She was angered by his agreement. ‘It was purely accidental that I—that I—’

‘Tried to take off my bathing trunks,’ he finished teasingly.

‘I didn’t!’ she said crossly, her anger all the stronger because she could still remember the smoothness of his flesh beneath her hand. ‘At least, not intentionally,’ she added resentfully.

Jake swam beside her. ‘I was only teasing you, honey.’

‘I know. But it is nearly lunch-time and I didn’t have any breakfast.’

He shrugged. ‘I could use some food too.’

They dried themselves off with their towels before sitting down on the blanket. Stacy dealt with the food, glad to be able to do something to cover her embarrassment, and Jake uncorked the wine. There was cold meat and salad in the basket besides cakes and fruit.

‘Did you tell them at the hotel that it was just for two people?’ Stacy looked with despair at the cold beef and turkey, the mountain of salad, and all the cakes and fresh fruit.

Jake paused in the opening of the wine. ‘Of course I did. Don’t look so worried—I’m hungry, and you said you were too.’

‘Yes, but—’

‘You aren’t one of those women who pick at their food because they think it looks polite, are you?’ he frowned.

‘Now when have I ever gone out of my way to be polite in front of you?’

He laughed softly. ‘Never. Perhaps that’s why I like you so much.’ He gently touched one of her cheeks. ‘You’re completely natural with me.’

‘Why shouldn’t I be?’

His hand dropped away and he became engrossed in pouring out the wine. ‘No reason,’ he said abruptly. ‘Here,’ he handed her a brimming glass of the bubbly liquid.

Stacy wrinkled her face as the bubbles tickled her nose. ‘Mm, it’s lovely.’

‘Did you doubt it?’ He looked offended.

‘Not if you chose it, no.’

His eyes narrowed as he looked out to sea, another boat slowly hovering on their shoreline. ‘Oh hell,’ he muttered. ‘Don’t put out any more food. If they stop here we’re moving on.’

‘But, Jake, we can’t do that!’

‘Yes, we damn well can. I chose this beach because it’s small and private. I don’t want other people around. I want to be alone with you.’

‘Yes, but—well, wouldn’t it look rather rude if we just packed up and left as soon as they arrived?’ She frowned her consternation.

‘I couldn’t give a damn how it looks.’ He sighed his satisfaction. ‘It’s all right, they seem to be moving on.’

Stacy watched as the boat increased its speed around the headland and disappeared from their view. ‘Would you really have left if they’d stopped here?’ she asked curiously.


‘Oh.’ She supposed she should really be flattered, but somehow it only made her more nervous. Why should Jake want such total privacy for them—unless he intended making love to her!

‘Eat your food,’ he encouraged.

The food was all delicious, as she had known it would be. This man seemed to demand and receive the best, and somehow most of the food seemed to disappear.

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