Page 67 of Burning Obsession

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Her father had just finished his breakfast when she came down the stairs, looking up to smile at her. ‘What’s going on?’ he asked her. ‘First of all Jordan says he’s taking the day off work and now he’s gone in after all.’

That was news to Kelly, both the day off and the fact that Jordan had now gone to work. ‘He’s busy,’ she shrugged off the subject. ‘Where did you get to last night??

?? she asked him teasingly.

‘Didn’t Jordan tell you?’ He went slightly red.

‘No.’ Kelly noticed the high flush to his cheeks. ‘Come on, Dad, tell me about it. You look like a pleased little boy.’

He blushed again. ‘I think I’m in love, Kelly,’ he told her almost ruefully.

‘Dad!’ Her eyes widened. ‘When did this happen?’

‘The last few weeks,’ he said bashfully.

‘And am I allowed to know the name of this woman you love?’

‘You already know her,’ he smiled. ‘I’m in love with Anne—Anne Fellows.’

‘Anne—?’ Kelly paled. ‘I—I didn’t realise.’

Oh God, her father had fallen in love with the woman who was secretly meeting Jordan! It seemed that both she and her father had been taken for a fool. But how could Jordan let her father be used like that? Even though he had no love for her she had at least thought Jordan liked and respected her father.

‘Well, I’m a bit old to be thinking of marrying again,’ her father began.

‘At fifty-one?’ she teased, feeling numb inside.

‘Even at forty-six,’ he grimaced. ‘But I am seriously thinking about it. How would you feel about having Anne as your stepmother?’

Kelly bit her lip. ‘Don’t you think you should ask her first?’

‘I suppose so. I hear your friend had her baby,’ he changed the subject.

‘Mm. I thought I’d telephone the hospital and see if I could get in to see her today.’ She had been going to ask Jordan to go with her, and wanted to test his reaction to the baby, but now that was out of the question. ‘I think I’ll give them a call now.’

‘Are you sure going to the hospital is a good idea?’ her father asked in a worried voice.

Kelly gave him a sharp glance. ‘What do you mean?’

He looked uncomfortable now. ‘I—You—Jordan told me about your losing the baby five years ago,’ he explained awkwardly.

‘Oh, did he?’ she said dully. She shrugged. ‘I’m over that now, Daddy.’ Besides, she had a new life growing inside her, a life that just had to flourish. Nothing would happen to this baby, she wouldn’t let it. ‘And Laura would think if odd if I didn’t go.’

‘I suppose so,’ he agreed reluctantly.

Kelly visited Laura several times during the next week, loving little Anthony Michael. He was a very contented baby, lying quite happily in his crib, unless of course he wanted his food. Jordan visited Laura too, although at different times from Kelly; he also sent a lovely bouquet of white roses, and a huge teddy bear for Anthony.

‘It’s bigger than he is,’ Laura joked once she was back in her own home again, the baby asleep upstairs in his nursery.

‘He’ll grow,’ Kelly smiled.

Laura had been home two days now, and it was ten days since the baby’s birth, ten days during which Kelly hardly ever saw Jordan. If he wasn’t working then he was out, on business or simply for his own pleasure he didn’t bother to tell her. In fact, they hardly spoke any more, not since the morning Jordan had slammed out of her bedroom.

‘And you,’ Laura said gently, interrupting her thoughts. ‘You’re growing nicely, too.’

Kelly looked down ruefully at her thickening waistline. ‘Aren’t I just?’ she grimaced.

‘Jordan still doesn’t know?’

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