Page 66 of Burning Obsession

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‘Jordan…’ she said achingly.

‘Don’t turn me away, Kelly. Not tonight. I need you.’

She had no intention of turning him away, reaching out her hand to turn off the light before rolling over to face him. What followed was beautiful, the complete opposite of their last two intimate encounters. Jordan made wild, beautiful love to her, raising her to the heights and holding her there until he took them both trembling over the edge to ecstatic delight.

Jordan had already left the bedroom when she woke the next morning, but she had a memory of them closely entwined all night. As usual no word had been spoken between them, and yet the wonder still stayed with Kelly, the warmth and love she felt towards Jordan threatening to overwhelm her.

If only it could always be this way! But it couldn’t. Soon her pregnancy would be obvious even to the least discerning eye—and Jordan was far from being that! He saw all too much.

He came into the room now without knocking, carrying a breakfast tray this time. ‘Laura tells me I’m to give breakfast in bed to her son’s godmother,’ he explained with a smile.

Kelly’s eyes lit up with pleasure and she sat up in the bed, pulling the sheet up to cover her nakedness as Jordan’s gaze unashamedly lingered on her bare breasts. ‘Laura has a son?’ she asked excitedly.

‘Ian does too,’ he told her mockingly.

She gave him an impatient glance. ‘How are they both?’

‘Well, Ian is bearing up very well. All right, all right!’ he held his hands up defensively as Kelly looked like throwing a pillow at him. ‘Laura and the baby are both doing well. He weighed seven pounds six ounces, and has been named Anthony Michael.’

‘After Laura’s father,’ Kelly nodded.

‘And Ian’s,’ Jordan put in dryly.

Kelly eyed him mischievously. ‘Are you going to stand there all day with my breakfast?’

With a smile he placed the tray across her legs. ‘I seem to remember you only liked tea and toast for your breakfast.’

‘Lovely,’ she smiled up at him. ‘Am I really going to be Anthony’s godmother?’

‘Mm.’ He sat on the bed beside her, very dark and virile in faded denims and blue fitted shirt. ‘And I’m designated the role of godfather,’ he drawled.

Kelly busied herself with buttering her toast and pouring out her tea. ‘And when do they expect the christening to take place?’ she asked casually.

‘I don’t suppose they’ve really thought about it. When do they usually take place?’

‘About six months after the birth, I think.’

‘Then that’s when they’ll have it.’

‘But we won’t be together then,’ she reminded him.

‘No,’ Jordan said tightly, ‘I don’t suppose we will.’

‘You know we won’t.’ Kelly sipped her tea, feeling the nausea leaving her.

‘Last night meant—nothing to you?’ He stood up, moving to look out of the window.

Kelly looked up at him, wishing she could read something of his mood from the broadness of his back and muscular shoulders. ‘Did it mean anything to you?’

He spun round, pinpointing her with his icy grey eyes. ‘I asked first.’

She looked down at her toast. ‘It—I enjoyed it,’ she admitted frankly.

She could feel his violence reaching out to her across the room. ‘I know that, damn you!’ he snapped savagely. ‘I asked if it meant anything?’

Kelly’s expression was challenging. ‘And I asked you the same thing.’

‘Oh, to hell with it!’ He slammed out of the room.

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