Page 30 of Burning Obsession

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She looked up, her eyes accusing. ‘You notice I said they are having a baby, not just that Laura is.’

‘I noticed,’ Jordan snapped. ‘I take it that dig was aimed at me?’ He was pacing the room once again.

‘You know it was.’ She turned as her father entered the room. ‘Hello, darling,’ she kissed him warmly on the cheek. ‘You’re looking better after your rest.’

‘I feel better. Although you’ve had Jordan very worried,’ he scolded. ‘As a brand new husband he’s bound to worry if you’re later than you said you would be.’

So her father knew about it too! ‘I’ve apologised in a suitable manner,’ she gave a teasing smile.

‘Have you now?’ her father grinned. ‘Then maybe I should have knocked before coming in.’

She laughed as she knew she was expected to. ‘You have a naughty mind.’

‘I remember your mother and I used to do a lot of kissing and cuddling when we were first married. That’s how you were born,’ he added ruefully.

‘Charming!’ she gave him a light kiss. ‘I’m going up to change for dinner. I won’t be long.’

‘Didn’t you forget to kiss me?’ The mocking light in Jordan’s eyes challenged her.

She paused at the door. ‘I think you’ve had quite enough for one day.’

‘Rationing me already,’ he shook his head at her father.

Kelly laughingly left the room, the humour leaving her face as soon as she closed the door behind her. How dared Jordan challenge her like that! She would make her feelings very plain about kissing him as soon as her father had gone to bed.

Jordan was at his most charming through dinner, very attentive towards her, and she knew her father watched them with a satisfied glint in his eye. Well, at least he was happy, and convinced of their happiness too.

They all had a game of cards after dinner, Jordan winning as he usually did. When they were first married Jordan had taught her how to play strip poker, demanding an article of her clothing each time she lost. She had always ended up stark naked while he was still fully dressed. And when she had accused him of cheating he had instantly stripped himself. What followed usually made them forget all about playing cards.

‘You aren’t concentrating, Kelly,’ her father interrupted her thoughts.

A guilty look in Jordan’s direction showed her that he had guessed her thoughts. Her face coloured as his mouth twisted derisively. ‘Sorry, Daddy. I—I think I’m a little tired.’

‘I think we all are.’ Jordan packed the cards away. ‘Time for bed.’

‘You could be right.’ Kelly’s father stretched tiredly. ‘I feel as weak as a kitten.’

Jordan stood up, moving to the drinks cabinet. ‘Care for a nightcap?’ He held up the whisky decanter.

‘Thanks,’ her father accepted.

‘Not for me,’ Kelly said wearily. ‘I’m for bed. Goodnight.’ She moved to the door.

‘Doesn’t a father merit a goodnight kiss now that you have a husband?’ her father teased.

‘Of course.’ She smilingly kissed him on the cheek, the look she slanted at Jordan daring him to ask for one too. He di

dn’t, his mocking smile acknowledgement of her challenge.

The bedclothes were turned back invitingly and her lacy nightgown lay across the bed. So much was like it used to be, except that tonight this huge double bed would hold only her. She shouldn’t find that so strange—hadn’t she slept alone here for two months before her separation from Jordan?

She heard her father going to his room as she left the shower, wrapping a towel about herself as she entered the bedroom. Jordan was there, pulling his tie loose from his throat, the jacket to his suit already hanging in the wardrobe.

‘Wh-what are you doing here?’ she gasped.

He gave her a pitying glance. ‘Getting ready for bed. I would have thought that was obvious.’

Kelly stood firm, her mouth set stubbornly. ‘You aren’t sleeping in here!’

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