Page 29 of Burning Obsession

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‘Well, if you’re sure,’ she accepted uncertainly. ‘I’ll have to check with Jordan, of course…’ she stood up in preparation of leaving.

‘I’ll call him,’ Ian instantly suggested.

Kelly took her leave of them, hurrying out to her car. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the Smythes, it was that she didn’t relish the idea of appearing socially as Jordan’s wife. It was bad enough in front of her father, in front of other people it would be ludicrous.

Jordan was pacing up and down the lounge when she let herself into the house. ‘Where have you been?’ he demanded as soon as he saw her.

Kelly put her handbag down on the sidetable. ‘I told you where I was going.’

He swung her round, his face dark with anger. ‘I called Maggie, she said she left you hours ago.’

Kelly’s eyes widened with indignation. ‘You called Maggie?’

‘Yes,’ he bit out.

‘My father, is he—’

‘He’s fine,’ Jordan interrupted.

She frowned at him. ‘Were you checking up on me, then?’

‘Don’t be so damned silly,’ he dismissed tersely. ‘You were late, and I—’

‘You were concerned about me!’ Kelly derided.

‘Yes, damn you, I was! After the way you drove off this afternoon you could have had an accident for all I knew,’ he rasped.

‘I’m not prone to them. I wasn’t driving last time, if that’s what you’re implying.’

‘It wasn’t,’ he sighed, running a hand through the dark thickness of his hair. ‘I know you’re usually a sensible driver, but the way you drove off this afternoon wasn’t in the least sensible.’

‘If you’re really interested in why I was late—’

‘I am,’ he insisted grimly.

She shrugged. ‘Then I met an old friend.’

Jordan stiffened, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. ‘A friend?’

Kelly nodded. ‘Of yours.’

‘Mine?’ he echoed sharply.

‘Yes. Would you like to know who?’ she taunted. ‘Frightened it might be one of your girl-friends?’

‘Kelly!’ he said warningly.

‘I met Ian and his lovely wife.’ She explained the meeting as briefly as she could. ‘Ian is going to call you about dinner. I’ll leave it up to you whether or not you accept.’

‘Do you want to go?’

She shrugged. ‘I like Laura, but—’

‘Then we’ll go,’ Jordan decided firmly. ‘Your father won’t mind just for one evening. I’ll arrange it for some time next week.’

‘All right. They—They’re having a baby.’ Kelly looked down at her hands. ‘Any day now, I should say.’

‘I see.’ His mouth was tight.

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