Page 27 of Burning Obsession

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‘Maybe.’ Maggie stood up. ‘I’ll have to love you and leave you, Kelly. I’ll give you a call, hmm?’

‘You do that. I want to hear more about this superman who has you tied to the cooker.’

‘It hasn’t gone that far yet. Besides, he was ill for a week last time I cooked for him.’

‘Then I’m surprised he trusts you again.’

‘So am I.’ Maggie blew Kelly a kiss. ‘Be good,’ came her parting shot.

Kelly always felt the same after being with Maggie—as if she had just passed through a whirlpool! Her friend had boundless energy for everything, and never entered into anything half-heartedly.

She drank her own tea at a leisurely pace, in no hurry to get back to the house. Her father would be resting until dinner time, and she had no wish to be alone with Jordan any longer than she needed to.

When a woman walking past her table tripped and almost fell Kelly was the first to her feet to steady her. That the woman was beautiful was indisputable, that she was also very pregnant was also indisputable.

‘Are you all right?’ Kelly asked concernedly.

‘I’m fine, thank you,’ the voice was cool and very refined. ‘Just a little dizzy, that’s all.’

‘Here, sit down.’ Kelly pulled out a chair for her. ‘Shall I pour you a cup of tea? It would take away the dizziness,’ she encouraged as the other girl seemed about to refuse.

‘Very well—thank you.’ The girl was very white. ‘I was waiting for my husband, but he seems to have been delayed.’

‘Never mind,’ Kelly poured out the tea. ‘Sugar?’

‘No, thanks. This is very kind of you,’ the girl smiled shyly.

She had short blonde curls and laughing blue eyes. Kelly liked her immediately. ‘Not kind at all. I can imagine how you must be feeling.’

The girl blushed prettily, and looked at the wedding ring on Kelly’s finger. ‘Do you have children of your own?’

‘No.’ Kelly paled. ‘Almost. But it didn’t work out.’

‘Oh, I am sorry,’ the blue eyes were warm with compassion. ‘They’ve made such advances in this field, and yet I almost lost this baby in the beginning too. My name is Laura, by the way.’

‘Kelly,’ she supplied.

‘I’m pleased to meet you, Kelly. I was feeling lonely, so I appreciate your talking to me. My husband is often busy, I suppose that’s why he’s been delayed today.’

‘I know the feeling,’ Kelly grimaced.

‘Is your husband the same?’

‘He never stops.’ She felt she could be forgiven calling Jordan her husband, technically he was still that. ‘When is the baby due?’ She knew it couldn’t be long.

‘Another five weeks,’ Laura smiled coyly. ‘I feel like a pumpkin at the moment!’

‘It will soon be over.’

‘And then I’ll have the dirty nappies and the crying to cope with. I didn’t mean it,’ Laura laughed. ‘I’m very excited really. And my husband…! You would think no one else ever had a baby.’

‘That’s nice.’ There was an emotional catch in Kelly’s voice. If only Jordan had reacted like that, instead of turning away from her.

‘Yes.’ Laura’s face lit up. ‘Here he comes now.’ She stood up, her eyes glowing. ‘Darling!’ She launched herself into the arms of her husband.

‘Sorry I’m late, darling.’ He held her at arm’s length, smiling proudly down at her.

‘Business?’ she chided teasingly.

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