Page 28 of Burning Obsession

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‘How did you guess!’

Kelly recognised that voice, knew the man who was Laura’s husband. ‘Ian!’ she cried her pleasure, standing up too. ‘Ian Smythe!’

He turned puzzled blue eyes on her for several seconds. ‘Kelly?’ he said uncertainly. ‘Kelly, is that you?’

‘None other,’ she beamed at him.

‘My God—Kelly!’ He hugged her to him, looking just as she remembered him, dark blond hair, laughing blue eyes, lean and muscular. ‘It’s good to see you again,’ he grinned.

‘And you.’

‘I take it you two have met before,’ Laura interrupted them coolly, eyeing them suspiciously.

Ian’s arm went about his wife’s shoulders. ‘Let’s go through to the lounge, we seem to be attracting rather a lot of attention standing here. I just can’t believe it’s you, Kelly. After all this time.’

‘Perhaps you would care to introduce me, Ian,’ his wife said icily as they se

ated themselves in the lounge.

‘I’m sorry,’ he looked startled. ‘I thought you must know each other.’

His wife explained how she and Kelly had come to be sitting together, Ian expressing his concern. ‘Don’t fuss,’ Laura told him. ‘I’m perfectly all right.’

‘Yes, but—’

‘She really is okay, Ian,’ Kelly soothed, noticing that Laura was becoming agitated, and in her condition that could only do harm.

‘Well… if you say so,’ he accepted grudgingly.

‘The introduction, Ian,’ his wife reminded him.

‘Oh yes, yes, of course. Laura, this is Kelly Lord. Kelly, my wife Laura.’

Laura smiled tightly. ‘That wasn’t much of an introduction, darling. How do you know Mrs Lord—Lord?’ she repeated slowly. ‘Ian, is this—’

‘Jordan’s wife,’ he finished excitedly.

‘Oh, I see,’ Laura blushed. ‘I’m sorry, Kelly, I didn’t mean to sound rude just now. I—I—’

‘That’s all right,’ Kelly assured her. I’d probably be jealous too if I had a lovely husband like Ian.’

‘But you have. I mean—’ Laura blushed again. ‘Well, Jordan is—very nice.’

‘Yes,’ Kelly agreed dully. ‘Which reminds me, I have to be getting back. He’ll be expecting me.’

‘You’re back together?—I’m sorry,’ Ian instantly apologised, ‘that’s none of my business. How is your father?’

‘Getting better.’

‘Is he home now?’

‘Oh yes. Today, actually. He’s staying with Jordan and me.’

‘Could you perhaps get away one evening?’ Laura asked, the sharpness now gone from her tone, her naturally sweet nature back in evidence. Kelly could understand such possessiveness, she had once been like that about Jordan. ‘Ian and I would love for you and Jordan to come over to dinner.’

‘Surely not,’ Kelly refused. ‘I’m sure you don’t want to be bothered with company now, not when the baby is so near.’

‘There’s nothing Laura likes more than entertaining,’ Ian teased. ‘Even now.’

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