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I can see the strain and the frustration on Nick’s handsome face, and my heart goes out to him. I don’t know him well, but after a couple of days with him, I know he’s not the type of person to remain idle. And I don’t blame him, because I’m the same way.

But he has to go about healing the correct way, or this injury could follow him for the rest of his life.

Just as I cross the four-mile mark, Nick and Todd begin wrapping up their session. I slow to a walk and watch as Nick shakes Todd’s hand, then glances up at me and nods before walking into the locker room.

I think that means he’s done. Which is great timing.

I clean off my machine and walk down to the women’s locker room to change. I’ll shower at the house later. I don’t like using public facilities.

It’s a quirk. I have a few of those.

I do, however, quickly change into my street clothes and carry my duffle bag out of the locker room. I don’t see Nick. I must have beat him out.

I take a seat on the bench between the two locker rooms and check my phone. I have a text from Sidney.

Sidney: Let’s have drinks on Friday! I need the 411 on what happened with J.

I chuckle to myself as I type my reply.

Me: I would love to, but I have a 24/7 job right now. Raincheck?


I glance up and feel my eyes go wide at the sight of Jeremy standing in front of me. I stand and tuck my phone into my pocket.

“What’s up?” I ask. I don’t want to sound too welcoming, but I’m not a jerk, either.

“It’s good to see you,” he says and reaches for my hand, but I duck out of his way. “Listen, I’ve been meaning to talk to you…”

“Are you ready?”

Nick slides up next to me and, to my utter surprise, wraps his arm around my waist and smiles down at me.

He’s smiling.

That doesn’t happen often.

“Yes,” I reply with a nod. “We’d better go.”

“I was talking to you,” Jeremy says, but Nick leads me away.

“And now you’re not,” he says over his shoulder as he escorts me out of the gym to my car. I fasten my seat belt and pull out of the parking lot, headed toward the lake house. Nick doesn’t ask me about Jeremy at all.

“How was your workout?” I ask him.

“Tough,” he replies and stares out the passenger window. “I knew I could lose a lot of strength in a month, but this is ridiculous.”

“You didn’t just stop working out,” I remind him. “You were injured. But you’ll be back to where you were in no time.”

He nods. Before long, we’re back at the house.

We both go our separate ways. I immediately jump in the shower to wash away the sweat from my run. Rather than blow-dry my hair, I twist it into a knot on my head, and with fresh lounge clothes on, head down to make dinner.

Tonight is going to be grilled salmon and asparagus with a Caesar salad.

I’ve just pulled the fish out of the fridge when Nick walks into the kitchen, also fresh from a shower. His dark hair is still wet, and a single droplet of water sits on his neck.

It’s like it’s begging me to lick it off.

I take a deep breath and open the fridge again, looking for the wine. I need a glass if Nick’s going to be this close to me. Because holy hell in a handbasket, the man does things to me.

Sexy things.

And he’s a patient—even though I told him he wasn’t—so that’s a no-go.

I pour the white wine into a glass, take a sip, and then smile at him.

“We’re having salmon tonight. If that’s okay.”

“It’s okay with me. I’m starving,” he says.

“Working out will do that to you.” I pull real butter out of the fridge, along with fresh herbs, and then go hunting for a cutting board.

“So, was that bloke Jeremy?” he asks and sits on the same stool I took the first day I was here.

“Yeah.” I sigh and dump the butter into a bowl, getting it ready to mix with the garlic and herbs. “I didn’t realize he was in Cunningham Falls. Not that I care.”

I cut some chives and rosemary and keep chatting away.

“You know, it’s interesting. You can be with someone for years, and when it’s over, and you see them again, you can have absolutely no emotions about it.” I look up at Nick with a frown. “Does that make me weird?”

Before he can answer, I shake my head and go back to chopping.

“Anyway, I told you that I followed him to Arizona. We went to college and lived together. Over time, things just got…different. You know? Like, he didn’t like it when I spent time with my nursing school friends. And he thought I should quit college and go to work, and then after he was done with university, he’d work, and I could finish.

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