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“Yeah, well, I don’t have to like it.”

“The less you do now, the faster you can get back to normal,” she says. She sounds perfectly reasonable.

I still don’t like it.

“Who’s Jeremy?”

She doesn’t miss a beat as she flips on her turn signal and then heads toward the lake house.

She also doesn’t answer me.


She clears her throat.

“You can tell me to mind my own business.”

“It’s not that. I’m trying to find a diplomatic way to answer that question. Jeremy is my ex-boyfriend.”

“What’s the non-diplomatic answer?”

“He’s the piece of shit I stayed with for way too long.”

I nod thoughtfully. “I like the second answer better.”

“Me, too.” She laughs and pulls into the driveway. “We dated through high school. I followed him to Arizona because that’s where he wanted to go to college. And now, I’m home.”

There is clearly a massive amount of information that she glossed over, but I figure I’ll let it be for now.

Later, I’ll run a search on this Jeremy. Shouldn’t be difficult.

“I have a meeting at HQ this afternoon,” I inform her. “I’ll be gone for a couple of hours.”

“Great, I’ll go to the gym and get some miles in,” she replies. I’d almost rather go to the gym with her and watch her run.

Of course, I know she wouldn’t allow it.

“We’re staying through the first of the year,” Sebastian says. We’re in HQ, holding our weekly briefing with both me and Randall Hunt, Sebastian’s new head of security for both him and the Montana property. Sebastian has another security point man whenever he’s in London.

I’m always assigned to Nina, no matter where she is in the world.

We also have other property detail men here.

“Why are you staying so long?” I ask, surprising His Highness.

“Nina would like to spend the holiday with her brother, and I have no objection to that.”

I suspect that she wants to stay and supervise my recovery, but I keep that observation to myself. Things have been quiet here at the Montana property since the incident just a month ago, making life much easier for the security detail. But being on high alert, no matter the circumstances, is part of the job.

We finish going through some information, and just when Sebastian starts putting his coat on, he nods at me. “Nick, walk to the house with me?”

“Yes, sir.”

We step out into the cold, calm air and climb the recently shoveled walk up to the main house.

“How are things going?” he asks.

I know he’s asking about Jordan.

“It would be great if you could get me out of this.”

He laughs and opens the door for me.

“My wife has her mind made up, I’m afraid. Is the nurse incompetent? Do you want us to find someone else?”

“That’s not it.” I shake my head in frustration. Maintaining my professionalism has never been a problem for me. And I’ll be damned if I’ll let it be an issue now. “I’m not used to having a babysitter.”

We climb the stairs and find Nina sitting in the living room with her sister-in-law, Jenna.

“Your Highness.” I bow my head.

“Hello, Nick. How nice to see you. How are things with Jordan?”

Sebastian laughs as he fetches himself a drink from the kitchen.

“What does that mean?” Nina demands, standing.

“She’s fine,” I reply, shaking my head.

“It means something,” she insists, narrowing her eyes at me. “Do you hate her?”

“No.” No, I like her too much. “She’s fine, like I said.”

“I’ve met Jordan before,” Jenna says. “She’s super sweet. A little young, but the nicest girl. I can’t imagine she’ll give you any trouble.”

“She’s a ray of sunshine,” I mutter, remembering my assessment from earlier. “Just delightful.”

“Are you being grumpy with her?”

Sebastian laughs again, making me scowl. “I’m always a little grumpy.”

“Well, don’t chase her off. Be nice.”

“I’m perfectly nice.”

“What does she look like?” Sebastian asks, earning a glare from me. “That bad?”

“No,” Jenna says thoughtfully as a smile spreads over her face. “I think it’s that good.”

“I’m leaving.”

I march to the front door and fling it open to the sound of the three of them laughing behind me.

“Have a good evening,” Nina calls out to me. I don’t answer as I slam the door shut.

Chapter 3


Shawn Mendes sings in my ear as my feet pound the treadmill belt. I jog at my normal pace, watching Nick in the weight area below. We haven’t been here for long, but I’m a mile into my run. He’s been working out long enough to shed his sweatshirt, exposing the impressive muscles I’ve suspected all along were there.

I love winter, but it means more clothes, and Nick is impressive. I know he’s lost some muscle mass since his injury just over a month ago, but he’s still something to write home about.

Lord have mercy.

Now that the wound is fully healed, he’s been cleared to start training with a professional. He’s working with a trainer today, which put my mind at ease. So far, they’ve focused mostly on the lower body, but I can see the trainer—Todd, I believe his name is—point at the free weights and tell Nick something. They nod and talk some more before Todd runs Nick through some exercises using very light weights.

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