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“God, you’re sweet. And so damn tight, I won’t last long.”

I can’t help myself. I bear down on him and watch in fascination as his jaw clenches, and his eyes slam shut. He buries his fingers in my hair and makes a fist, pulling the strands and tugging enough to hurt, but only a little.

It’s freaking amazing.

“Jordan,” he says, just before every muscle in his body contracts, and he falls over the edge of his orgasm.

Nick is the most amazing man I’ve ever met.

And as cliché as it sounds, I might have just fallen in love with him.

“Why are we going to this again?” Nick asks the following afternoon as I wrap my scarf around my neck.

“Because it’s the Christmas Stroll,” I say and watch as he zips up his puffy Northface coat. Even in that puffy jacket, his body is off the rails.

How is he legal?


“And it’s tradition. Besides, I haven’t gone in a long time. I’m finally back in town, and I’m not missing it. Besides, you’ll like it.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because it’s the Christmas Stroll.” I roll my eyes and open the door, shooing him outside to the car. “It’s not too cold outside, and there are all kinds of vendors. We’ll wander around Main Street, do a bit of shopping, some eating. You know, be members of the community.”

He nods and slips into the car beside me.

“Whatever you say.”

“Honestly, if you don’t want to go, you don’t have to.”

I haven’t started the car yet. I don’t want him to feel like I’m making him go anywhere. I’d rather go with him, but if it sounds horrible to him, I shouldn’t push it.

“I’m all yours, sweetheart.”

I start the car and grin at him. I know he means just for tonight. He’s all mine tonight. And at some point in the near future, this will all be over, but I’m determined to enjoy him while I have him.

The sex last night? Ridiculous. I didn’t know people could have sex like that, and so many times in one evening. My experience has always been once, in the dark, under the covers.

I don’t think Nick and I did it even once in the dark last night.

I stop at a light and think about it.

Wait! Yes, we did. When Nick woke me up at like two in the morning.

I had no idea sleepy sex was so…sexy.

“What are you smiling about?” he asks and reaches over to hold my hand. He brings my fingers up to his lips for a kiss.


“That smile is absolutely not about nothing.”

I clear my throat and drive when the light turns green. “I might have been thinking about two in the morning.”

He blinks, and then a slow smile spreads over his handsome-as-hell face.

“Were you now?”


He kisses my hand again.

“It seems I’m having a hard time keeping my hands off you now that I’ve had you. Seen every inch of you. Been inside you.”

“Do you want me to wreck this car?”

He laughs and shakes his head. “No. I’m just being honest. But I’d better stop if I plan on walking through Cunningham Falls without an erection.”

“I mean, that could be a conversation starter, but it’s probably for the best if you don’t.”

He takes a deep breath. “Agreed. Okay, so who will we see here?”

“Most people come to this unless they’re sick or working. I’d like to stop in and see my cousin Willa at Dress It Up. She owns that clothing store, and she always has a big to-do during the stroll. And then we’ll just see people as we walk along.” I bite my lip as something occurs to me. “Though I should warn you.”

“That sounds ominous.”

“We might see my mom.”

I park behind Willa’s shop. Parking around town is tough on nights like tonight, and it pays to have family who own businesses.

“You haven’t talked much about her.”

I cut the engine but don’t make a move to get out of the car yet.

“It’s not that I don’t love her. I do. But she gets on my nerves like no one else in the world. She’s bossy and demanding, and she can hand out a guilt trip like it’s candy on Halloween.”

“Good to know.”

“Okay, then.” I slip my beanie over my head and my hands into my mittens, and we’re off. “Let’s start at Dress It Up since we’re right here.”

“I’m with you,” he says, but his eyes are already scanning the area. “Wherever you want to go.”

“Are you ever able to turn the bodyguard off?” I ask casually.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re already scanning the people around us. Your body is stiff. You’re on high alert. And I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, I’m just wondering if you’re ever able to let yourself relax and be a man.”

“I’m both,” he says after thinking it over for a few moments. “I’m a man and a bodyguard. I’ve been military since I was eighteen. It’s part of who I am.”

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