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The image of her soft and sleepy weakened his knees.

“It’s late,” she continued when he hadn’t said anything. “The phone rings in the middle of the night and it scares me. Are you okay?”

Should he be honest? Did she want to hear it? “Not really.”

“Oh.” More rustling, a soft sigh. She was trying to kill him. “You should try and get some sleep.”

“I haven’t had a full night’s sleep in days.”

“You must be exhausted.”

“I am.” She talked to him and he took that as a good sign. He might be clinging to anything, the mundane, the foolish, but he didn’t care.

He needed something to cling to, after all.

“I…haven’t slept very well either.” She said it like a reluctant confession had been dragged out of her. “I’ve been so busy in the lab.”

“I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with.” He meant it. He was excited to smell her creations, see her in action. His chest threatened to burst with pride and the moment hadn’t even happened yet.

She would be a star and Worth would be the company that made her. She’d shine so brilliantly, everyone would eventually want a piece of her, but she would only give to those who deserved it. Figured, he would be the damn fool who let her get away.

“I’m scared you’ll all hate it,” she whispered. “The self-doubt that plagues me is awful. I’m afraid you won’t extend my contract and I’ll return home a failure.”

“You shouldn’t give me a reason to refuse you,” he reminded her. Memories of their first conversation flooded his consciousness. How captivated he’d been then. How utterly enthralled he was now.

“I already have.”

Closing his eyes, he breathed deep, fell back against the pillow. He glanced toward the wall of windows, staring at the city skyline. He’d taken to leaving the windows bare, the city his only company. “Tell me how I can make this right.”

“It’s too late, don’t you think? You’d grow bored with me, Rhett. You know this.”

“I don’t think so.” Opening his eyes, he stared at the ceiling, scratched absently at his chest. “You’re the only woman I’ve ever wanted like this. My body literally aches to see you. Touch you. Kiss you.”

Her lack of reply didn’t discourage him.

“I miss being with you. Smelling your skin, tasting you…my thoughts are consumed by you.”

“You want what you can’t have.”

“I want what I…” His voice trailed off, fear seizing his vocal cords. He couldn’t say it, couldn’t say those words every woman longed to hear. Did he love her? He wasn’t sure. He’d never said he loved anyone beyond his brothers and he rarely made that declaration. Certainly no woman had ever heard him utter those three words. A handful of days and he was over the moon for her. Who did this? Who felt this way? Was it normal?

Would Gabriella be the first woman he loved—the only woman, if she allowed him such a privilege? That’s what it would be, a privilege to love her. She was special, unique. Beautiful and strong and so goddamned amazing he wondered what the hell was wrong with him, letting her go so easy.

It just went to show he was an idiot.

“You’re proving my point, Rhett. It’s probably best if you stop talking. Good night. See you tomorrow.”

“Wait, Ella. Don’t go, don’t—” The loud click indicating she’d hung up greeted him and he threw his phone onto the bed with disgust. She hated him. Wouldn’t let him have another chance, not that he could blame her.

He’d used up all his chances with her. Now he had to face the consequences.

Tomorrow, he had to face her.

Rhett could only hope he had the strength to do so.

Chapter Sixteen

Gabriella wore her new dress like a suit of armor. It was a structured piece of art, made by the Worthwhile line and given to her most graciously by Tessa. By far the most expensive piece of clothing she’d ever worn in her life, she’d stood in front of her mirror before she left for the lab for the morning, pleased with the results. Donned the typical white lab coat over it once she arrived, covering her armor, still comfortable in her surroundings.

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