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Filling his days with meetings was first on the agenda. Endless, lengthy meetings, they consumed his every thought and action during the daylight hours. From approximately seven in the morning to seven at night, he lived and breathed his work. Too busy to eat, too busy to think of much else, but the upcoming fragrance launch and all the preparation that came with it.

Until the night came, enveloping him in darkness, reminding him of what he couldn’t have.


His large, empty apartment was nothing but a reminder of how utterly lonely his existence had become, had always been. Where was the joy? The laughter and the love and the light Gabriella brought into his life? Oh, the times he spent alone during the long, lonely nights were where his thoughts became most dramatic. Hunter had always accused him of being as such, from the time they were little kids, and now Rhett had more than proved him right. Not that he’d ever confessed his melancholy thoughts, the woe-is-me pity parties he held on a daily basis, to anyone.

No one knew of those dark, desperate moments but him.

Tonight though, was the worst of them all. He’d spoken to her, heard her sweet, sultry voice murmur in his ear, saying the words he’d longed to hear.

I want you too much. The confession had sounded pained, as if she never wanted to admit such a thing to him and that hurt. He wanted her too. They wanted each other. So why weren’t they together?

Because she was right. He was scared. And when he was scared, he ran. He didn’t stick around, he’d never stuck around in his entire life. No one ever had for him. Not his parents, only Alex, though he’d done so because he was obligated. Rhett had been nothing but a burden, growing into the biggest pain in the ass to both of his brothers for years.

His past habits had ruined his potential future with Gabriella.

He was a damn fool.

It didn’t help, Alex flaunting his stories of how much time Ella spent with Tessa. They were becoming close friends, Alex had shared recently one early morning over coffee, before yet another scheduled meeting. Why, Ella had come over for dinner last evening, Alex had said, stirring cream into his coffee with a pensive smile on his face. The women had much in common and she seemed to enjoy playing with Charlotte, and Alex hinted more than once that he and Tessa believed Rhett and Gabriella would make a great couple, despite his initial warnings when they first hired Ella.

Rhett had no reply for his brother. What could he say? Oh, I fucked her senseless for four days running until we returned to real life. Then I ditched her. Because that’s what I do.

Yeah. Alex would think he was a complete asshole. Tessa would have a different opinion of him and would eventually tell Gracie, who was his biggest supporter in the family. The only one who believed his intentions were always good.

He’d abruptly changed the subject, a special talent of his. Alex had said nothing, but Rhett had noted the shrewd gleam in his brother’s gaze. He’d known he was being purposely diverted.

It was easier that way. Yet she’d somehow seeped into his life, deeper and deeper, until she pulsed in his very blood and he had no way to stop it. No way to prevent it.

He soon realized he didn’t want to prevent it. Wanted to revel in it, love it…love her.

But she refused him. The fact hurt more than he cared to admit.

Careless, hopeless, he grabbed his cell phone and scanned through his contacts. He had her number, of course he did. He had everyone’s number. An endless list of feminine names filled his contacts, filled him with anger. Ruthlessly he stabbed at the delete button, eliminating them one by one. Skipping past the women he worked closely with. His assistant Kara; Alex’s assistant; his brothers’ wives; Becky, the human resources manager who thought he was a world-class fuckup.

He kept them, only them along with Gabriella. The rest of them were gone.

The virtual black book had been burned. And he didn’t regret it.

Deciding for once in his life to be brave, he scrolled back to her name and hit the dial button. The phone rang for what felt like an infinite number of times. Nerves ate at his gut, turned his blood ice cold. She wasn’t going to answer.

Her voice sounded, clear and sweet, declaring herself unavailable right now but please leave a message and she’d get back to him as soon as she could.

Ha. Fat chance of that ever happening.

The beep sounded, prompting him into action. “You don’t answer, which most likely means you don’t want to talk to me. But I’m not hanging up.

“I’m tired of running away, Gabriella. I’m tired of being that guy. The only reason I want to change is because of you. I know you don’t believe me. You probably think I’m full of shit, but I’m not. You’ve changed me. I want to be a better man for you. Only you.”

His phone beeped, indicating he had another call and with a frustrated growl he switched over. “What?”

“Did you call me?” Her voice was soft, sleep-roughened, and he wondered if he woke her up. “Rhett?”

His heart flipped over itself. Jesus, he hadn’t expected this. “Yeah. It’s me. I did call you. I woke you, though, h


“I, uh, fell asleep.” She cleared her throat, he heard a rustling sound and he wondered if she was already in bed.

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