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Giving herself a much-needed pep talk during the drive over to the Worth building, she smoothed her hands over the black braided cotton dress, her fingers skimming the satin that trimmed the hem. Her shoes were new as well, high for her but mere child’s play for the other women who worked at Worth.

She wanted to appear powerful, but she didn’t want to risk falling flat on her face.

The moment she entered the Worth building, all of her self-doubts kicked in. Her stomach tossed like the most turbulent sea, her palms going clammy with nerves. She’d eaten a meager breakfast, had skipped lunch and was thankful for it. The nausea set in, threatening to overwhelm, and she entered the elevator alone, breathing deep as soon as the doors slid shut.

Her phone sounded, indicating a text message and she pulled it out of her purse, smiled when she saw it was from Tessa.

Good luck! I know they’ll love them all.

Dread consumed her. What if they hated them all? Her father had called this morning as well, full of bluster and advice, though she hadn’t told him today was her day of reckoning. The final moment of proof of whether she had what it took.

The elevator finally stopped, the doors sliding open to reveal the executive floor. Straightening her spine, she headed toward the conference room, her heels clicking loudly on the polished marble floor, sweat gathering at the base of her neck. Thankfully she’d worn her hair up, sleek and smooth, not a strand out of place.

More armor to protect her from the unknown.

The conference room’s doors were propped open. She could hear the low murmurings of men’s voices from the distance. They waited for her, every Worth brother was in that room and she stopped walking, extending her arm out so she could press her hand against the wall.

You can do this. Prove to them you’re worthy. Prove to them you can deliver.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed off the wall and strode toward those beckoning open doors, walking right into the room as if she hadn’t a care.

They sat at the table, all three of them and a smattering of others, including Hunter’s wife, Gracie. Her gaze met Gabriella’s and she smiled, understanding lighting her eyes.

She knew, Ella thought. She knew what it was like, facing these formidable men, all alone and scared while pretending to be brave. A kindred spirit in her midst, she felt somewhat reassured.


“Ella, it’s good to see you.” The sound of Alex’s voice had her jerking her head, her gaze meeting his as he walked toward her with a warm smile. Another ally, she realized. Most likely encouraged by Tessa, though she’d never complain; Ella needed as much support as she could find.

“Hello, Alex.” She offered her cheek for him to kiss and he took it. Swore she heard a muttered curse in the near distance. She’d recognize that voice anywhere.

But she chose to ignore it.

“We’re almost ready, waiting for a few more people from our marketing department to arrive,” Alex explained.

Nodding, she glanced toward the corner of the room, saw the predetermined display she’d worked on most of yesterday afternoon and evening. She’d put it all together with her lab team, a simple presentation for an as-yet-unnamed fragrance. The three samples were waiting in plain glass vials, the white touches—smelling tabs—fanned out in silver cups, all of it sitting on a small black table that was used expressly for display in the Worth stores.

“Gabriella, I have someone here who’d like to meet you.” She turned at the sound of another Worth’s voice—this one Hunter’s—to find him standing before her with his wife by his side. “This is my wife, Gracie.” He glanced at the woman and smiled, a warm light in his eyes Ella found rather sweet. “Gracie, this is Gabriella Durand.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Gracie reached out and they shook hands. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

Worry stalled Ella’s heart. “All pleasant things, I hope.”

“Oh yes, Tessa adores you.” Gracie beamed. “We should all get together for lunch sometime. I’ve been so busy with work, but once the fragrance campaign is put to bed, I’ll have more free time.”

“That—that sounds lovely.” The Worth women readily embraced her. Even Rhett’s brothers included her easily in their fold.

But Rhett? Well, he could have her every which way he wanted her, but when a glimmer of seriousness appeared in the picture, he ran.

“Perfect.” Gracie turned when three more people entered the room. “Oh good, everyone’s here. I think we’re ready.”

Nerves jumped into Ella’s throat, choking her. As if sensing her sudden mood change, Gracie reached out, gave her a reassuring squeeze on the arm. “You’ll be terrific. I have no doubt.”

Ella nodded, still unable to speak, her gaze scanning the room, until it landed on the man she’d been avoiding since the moment she walked in.

He sat at the table, stunningly gorgeous in his navy suit, crisp white shirt and pale green tie. Lazily leaning back in his chair, looking as if he hadn’t a care in the world, though she knew it was a lie. She saw it in his eyes. The wariness, combined with fear.

She felt much the same.

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