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Rhett had the distinct feeling that Hunter was closer to the truth than he cared to admit.

She couldn’t sit, too nervous, too fidgety to keep still. Instead, Ella paced the plush lobby, admiring the giant photos that hung on the wall. They were from the latest Worth Luxury campaign, taken in stark black and white. The models’ simple poses against a white backdrop were elegant in their simplicity, showcasing the luxurious leather bags, the awe-inspiring boots, the cashmere scarves wrapped in casual elegance around their long, aristocratic necks.

Mid-summer and she was looking at a fall/winter scene. Fashion never made much sense to her.

But fragrance? Scents? Formulas and synthetics, natural oils and the precise mathematical calculations that brought them all together into a cohesive juice? Ah, they all made absolute, perfect sense—at least in her mind.

The secretary caught her eye yet again, offering her a sympathetic smile which Ella returned, feeling pathetic. Leave it to her father to place her in a horribly uncomfortable position. He squandered the chance of a lifetime, could’ve created an iconic women’s fragrance for Worth Luxury. When she’d realized exactly what he’d done, she’d been livid.

And she’d promptly booked a trip to New York via train to see if the opportunity was still available. She hadn’t called, hadn’t even thought to write a simple email to confirm they’d see her or listen to what she might propose. She hadn’t considered what she might say to Rhett Worth once she met with him face-to-face either.

Oh, she’d heard all about him in the tabloids. He was a bad boy. A rogue, wicked with the ladies, the youngest of the Worth brothers and therefore the one who didn’t take on much responsibility. Though she had to admit, he appeared less in the tabloids and gossip blogs than he used to. When she’d found her father’s notes and Rhett’s name listed as the project manager and contact, she’d been surprised.

Maybe he had finally taken on some responsibility within the family business.

Not that it was any of her concern or business. She didn’t know him and certainly couldn’t judge. She was just a simple girl who’d rather work in a lab or out amongst nature, breaking down components in natural scents and recreating them in little vials. Her father was brilliant, an acclaimed perfumer who people in the fashion and beauty industry still clamored for. He’d taught her well, she’d worked at his elbow from the time she was a little girl, but she was still learning.

She would most likely be forever learning and the thought of that made her a little giddy inside.

“Miss Durand?”

The velvety deep voice had her whirling around, stopping short when she realized who stood directly in front of her.

Rhett Worth, in the flesh.

Oh, and what glorious flesh he was made of. Immaculately turned out in a charcoal-gray suit that emphasized the broadness of his shoulders, the width of his chest, his dark brown hair pushed off his forehead, he looked as if he had walked straight off the Worth Luxury billboard she’d seen in Times Square on her taxi ride over.

“I—I’m Gabriella Durand,” she stuttered, silently cursing herself. She couldn’t lose it now, not in front of this man. He held all the power to her future and he didn’t even know it.

He smiled, the sight of it making her knees wobble. “Rhett Worth. A pleasure to meet you,” he said, thrusting his hand toward her.

She took it, noticed how his large hand completely engulfed hers as he gave it a polite shake. The buzz from his touch was like an electric jolt to her system and she tilted her head, inhaling discreetly. Her head immediately swam.

Goodness, he smelled positively divine. A subtle mixture of ingredients, possibly leather, faint cologne, his own uniquely masculine scent…

Stay focused!

“It’s nice to meet you, too,” she murmured, gasping softly when he released his hold of her hand. “I’m sorry for dropping in so unexpectedly, it’s just that—”

“Your timing is perfect,” he interrupted, glancing about the lobby quickly before he faced her once more. “It couldn’t have been better, actually. Do you have time to talk? Now?”

She nodded, a little dazed at how easily it was all unfolding. “Yes, I do. That’s why I’m here.”

The smile grew even more dazzling, and her senses went on immediate overload. They’d only just met but he needed to stop being so…recklessly charming. “Perfect,” he repeated in a low murmur.

A shiver rippled down her spine. Amazing how he made the word sound downright sinful.

“There’s a small conference room down the hall.” He placed his hand at the small of her back, gently guiding her toward the doorway which led to the hall he spoke of. “Would you care for anything to drink?”

“No, thank you. I’m fine.” His good manners, combined with his extreme good looks, made for a heady package. His fingers seemed to burn through the fabric of her dress, even with such a light touch. She was hyper aware of his nearness, the heat of his skin, the size of him since he towered over her.

Ella frowned. She needed to get her head out of the clouds and focus on the most important meeting of her life. She needed to convince Rhett Worth she could take her father’s place and become the in-house perfumer for Worth Luxury.

But would he take her seriously? No one else seemed to. They all wanted her father instead of her and merely seemed to tolerate her. The jobs she’d acquired weren’t nearly as prestigious as she wished for. Hence the reason for wanting this particular job with Worth.

It would establish her firmly as a respected player in the perfumer industry.

“Here we are.” He stopped, his hand dropping away from her back as he reached for the handle and held the door open for her. She entered the room, admiring the vintage Worth Luxury magazine advertisements framed on the wall, the plush leather seats that surrounded the sleek black table. “Why don’t you take a seat?”

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