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“That is not true and you know it,” Alex retorted.

Rhett would never get Hunter either. He thought falling in love would unwind his brother a bit, make him softer. Love and marriage had certainly done that for Alex. He looked like a lovesick puppy every time he talked about his wife, Tessa, or their daughter, Charlotte.

Yeah, Hunter was crazy for Gracie, that was plain as day. And he indulged his new baby boy like any pleased parent would, but he still acted like a major asshole.

Well, Hunter acted like a major asshole toward Rhett.

A soft knock sounded on the door before it cracked open, Alex’s assistant, Margo, poking her head inside. “I’m so sorry to interrupt, but there’s a woman here who’s insistent she see Mr. Worth right away.”

“Which one?” Hunter asked with a wry smile.

Margo blushed, shaking her head when Alex started to stand. “I’m so sorry, not you, Alex. She’s asking for Rhett.”

His brothers’ heads swiveled in his direction. “What, you got a mysterious baby mama coming around here looking for money or what?” Hunter asked under his breath.

“Shut the hell up,” Rhett whispered harshly. “Like you have any room to talk.” He would never, ever live his party days down, no matter how hard he tried to forget them. They’d be ninety, living in a nursing home together, and Hunter would probably still bring up his old, notorious ways.

He hated how he wore his past like a cloak of shame.

“Hunter, please.” Alex’s voice was full of irritation. “Did she leave a name?” His big brother was the only professional one out of the three. Considering he was the CEO, it made sense, but still.

They were reverting to old hurts and sibling rivalries like it was yesterday.

“Yes. Her name is Gabriella Durand.”

“Durand?” Rhett frowned. The name sounded familiar… Of course it did, she was Michel Durand’s daughter.

Margo nodded. “What would you like for me to tell her?”

“Tell her I’ll be right out.”

“Michel’s daughter,” Alex said the moment his assistant shut the door. “She’s a perfumer as well.”

“Really?” Hunter asked. “Huh, so we can get the daughter to respond but not her father? How much experience does she have?”

“Five years professionally, but she’s worked at her father’s side pretty much all her life,” Rhett explained.

Hunter’s brows rose. “Interesting. If she’s anything like her old man…”

“Why is she here?” Alex asked. “Did you contact her? She might be the perfect alternative.”

“Yeah.” He cleared his throat. “Yes, I contacted her.” The lie came easily, smoothly falling from Rhett’s lips yet again. Whereas only minutes before, he was re

ady to confess he was a complete failure, now he had an out. A chance to look good, like he knew what the hell he was doing and could save this project instead of handing it over to Hunter. “That’s why she’s here. We’re going to meet and discuss the new perfume project. I figured it was logical to go for the next best thing, you know? Keep it in the family.”

“Smart thinking,” Alex murmured, clearly pleased. “Well, we don’t want to keep you. You should go.”

“If you made an appointment to talk with her, why didn’t you realize she’d be here at this time?” Hunter asked. A shrewd gleam shone in his eyes.

“Uh, I spoke to her but we weren’t able to confirm any sort of meeting just yet. Though she had mentioned she’d be in New York soon,” Rhett answered, both impressed and disgusted at his ability to make stuff up out of nothing.

“Maybe we should sit in on this meeting,” Hunter suggested when Rhett stood.

Dread slithered down his spine. He’d be found out in an instant. And wouldn’t that give Hunter major satisfaction?

“Let him take care of it on his own,” Alex said. “He’s clearly got it handled.”

“Yeah, right.” Rhett heard Hunter snort as he left the conference room.

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