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Sliding her hands into his thick dark hair, she anchored him there, arching her body into his mouth, wanting more. He diverted his attention to her neglected nipple, offering it the same generous treatment and her belly clenched in anticipation. Already her orgasm came near, all from his overt attention to her breasts.

She’d never experienced anything like it before. The emotions that swirled within her as she watched him make love to her body were overwhelming. She was with Tyler Nichols—and they were actually naked. In bed together and about to have sex.

It was almost too momentous for her to wrap her head around.

He slid further down, his lips blazing a path of heat that lit her skin from within. She shivered when he nibbled along the inside of her thigh. Whimpered when he laved at the spot with his tongue as if to soothe it. She squeezed her eyes closed, almost embarrassed at what he was about to do.

Yeah, she owned her sexuality and all that, but this was Tyler Nichols and he was about to go down on her. Her last boyfriend hated doing it. Always thought it was too messy.

The miserable, selfish prick.

Tyler’s hair drifted across the inside of her thigh, soft and thrilling. She shivered, drew in a sharp breath when she felt his big hands spread her legs wider. His breath drifted across her pussy and a fresh gush of juices trickled.

She was so wet. And she wanted him so badly.

His lips grazed the very heart of her, light and fleeting. Her hips lifted as if she had no control of them, seeking his mouth. Oh God, hopefully his tongue. He nuzzled her there, breathed deep as if inhaling her, and her eyes flew open.

There was no need for her to act like a shy, untried girl. She was a woman. A more than capable woman who owned her sexuality and damn it, she needed to act like it.

His lids lifted. His intense gaze met hers, her lips parted but no sound came out. Not until his tongue flicked out and he licked her did she release a shuddering breath. A low moan followed quickly when he spread her lower lips with his fingers and sucked on her clit.

God. Her lids snapped shut, and she swore she saw stars. What a talented tongue he had. And lips. Oh yes, and fingers because they were definitely joining the party. First one, then two fingers slid deep within her, thrusting in and out and she moved against him. Seeking her orgasm as it hovered there, just barely out of reach. And he teased, drove her higher only to leave her panting, as if he wanted to drive her out of her mind.

It was working.

Her hips lifted, her entire body stiffened when Tyler paid close attention to her clit. And then he was gone. Moving back up her body, a wicked smile curving his lips when their gazes met again.

She wanted to smack him. She wanted to haul him close and demand he give her an orgasm. She just wanted him.

He adjusted himself, hovering just above her, his kind eyes gazing down upon her. She smiled up at him, arching against him when she felt his cock nudge her and then he was pushing just the tip into her body, teasing her.

“More,” she urged in a husky whisper, surprising herself. She was a take-charge sort of woman in her everyday life but when it came to being between the sheets, she usually deferred to the man.

He grinned, looking quite pleased with himself. “As you wish,” he said with a hint of arrogance as he slid a little deeper. Feeding himself to her inch by excruciatingly delicious inch.

God he was big. And thick. It was as if his cock touched every one of the sensitive spots within her body, even spots she didn’t know existed. Her skin tightened and tingled, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, her heels pressing into his firm ass, sending him deeper.

Just what she wanted.

Slowly, as if he had all the time in the world, he began to move. Pulling out, pushing back in, back and forth, keeping a steady, even rhythm, not rushing it.

Damn it, she wanted to rush it. She wanted to feel him pound inside her, hear the slap of their sweaty skin. Just the thought of it had her pussy growing wetter and she reached out, curled her hands around his shoulders. “Faster,” she said.

He increased his pace, his hips nudging against hers, his cock touching her deep. But she wanted more. “Harder.”

“You feel good,” he whispered. “So tight. So hot.”

His words melted her. Their gazes met, held and she slid her hands down his back to curve about his tight ass. The flex of his muscles beneath her palms thrilled her and she pressed, sending him deeper.

With a grunt he let his control slip a little as he slammed into her. She clung to him, losing herself to the delicious sensation of his cock gliding in and out of her body. She could hear the juicy sounds of her pussy as he moved within her and it turned her inside out, drove her crazy with wanting to come.

“I’m close,” he suddenly muttered. His movements were frantic, completely out of control as he rammed deep. He reached between them, his index finger nimbly playing with her swollen clit. Circling and teasing, flicking the sensitive little bud of flesh, and she held her breath, prepared for the intensity that swelled, threatening to take over her body.

And just like that she shattered. The endless waves of her climax rolled over her again and again as she stiffened for the briefest moment before she became consumed with endless shudders beneath his thrusting body.

Tyler followed behind her, coming with a ferocious growl as he held himself still above her. His throbbing cock jerked within her clenching pussy, and she wondered idly if she’d ever come at the same time with another man.

She didn’t think she had. Hell, she hadn’t believed it even possible.
