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Funny how Tyler was showing her—and so quickly—that many things were possible.

Tyler pulled Julie into his arms, loving the way her body seemingly melted into his. Her breathing was still erratic from the after affects of her orgasm and that had been long minutes ago. He’d already gotten out of bed and disposed of the condom. Yet his body still trembled as well.

It had been pretty powerful, coming together with her. He felt more connected to her at this very moment than he’d ever felt with his pr

evious girlfriend, and they’d gone out for almost a year.

A rather momentous—and if he thought about it too much, a very scary—thought.

“Hmm, I could go for a nap.” She snuggled closer, her head tucked just under his chin, her hair brushing against his face. He pushed the wayward strands away from his mouth, allowing his fingers to tangle in the vibrant strands, stroking her much as if she were a cat.

Apt thought since she tilted her head back and practically purred, much like the cats he remembered having around the house when he was growing up. He gazed down at her, caught the contented smile curling her lips, her eyes closed in blissful rapture. An expression he found particularly arousing if his twitching cock had anything to say about it.

“That feels so good,” she whispered as he continued to stroke.

His cock leapt to attention. “Does it?”

“Mmm, hmm.” She stretched against him, leaning in and planting a lingering kiss in the center of his chest. “Don’t stop.”

“How about we take a shower?” Just the thought of her naked and wet, the water blasting all over her sleek body as he lathered bubbly soap over her sent his cock straight to throbbing.

“Sleep first.” She nudged closer if that was possible, her face smashed against his chest. He could feel the soft, warm drifts of her breaths against his skin. “Then shower. Then you must feed me.”

He chuckled. “I must feed you? Didn’t I do that this morning?”

“Yes and you did such a good job I think it shall be your permanent job of the weekend. Feeding me.” Tyler could actually hear the smile in her voice, she sounded so pleased with herself.

He immediately frowned. Her mentioning the word weekend brought everything to a crashing reality. This was just for a weekend, what they were indulging in. She probably didn’t want anything more. She’d pretty much made that clear on their walk around the lake. When she spoke of the endless hours she put in at her business, how much time it took up yet she didn’t mind, she told him. It was her business and thus her ass on the line. She wasn’t about to let it sink because of personal matters.

In other words, she didn’t have time for a relationship at all. She didn’t have much of a social life outside of networking with potential and current clients, and she liked it that way.

He owned his own business, had done so for years but he also had no problem separating it from his personal life. He hired competent managers who knew how to handle problems and run his store efficiently when he wasn’t there. He was a big believer in relaxing and taking time for himself. All work and no play definitely made Tyler a dull boy.

And he’d vowed long ago he’d never be considered dull ever again.

Julie’s breathing deepened, indicating that she’d already fallen asleep. Not that he could blame her. After the vigorous walk around the lake and the even more vigorous bout of amazing sex she had to be exhausted. He knew he was.

But he wanted to savor this moment, lying in bed with Julie in his arms. Her soft, supple body wrapped tight around his. He detached his hand from her abundant hair and touched her shoulder, his fingers sliding down her lean arm. He felt like a sentimental fool but damn it felt good, touching her. Smelling her. Holding her close. There was a sort of connection he had with her that was stronger than anything he’d experienced with another woman. Something he wanted to explore further.

The thought would normally scare the hell out of him. But not when it was with Julie. He didn’t want this connection to end come Monday. He wanted to see where this might go. If they had potential—real potential. He believed they did.

Now it might take some convincing for Julie to agree.

Tyler was more than up for the challenge.

Chapter Four

Julie stretched her arms above her head, her legs straight out in front of her before she relaxed fully in the overstuffed wicker chair she sat on. She was out on the redwood deck, staring at the beautiful lake as the twilight skies settled in. Deepening shades of blue streaked with pinks and oranges filled the sky, casting a lovely glow upon the calm lake. She could hear Tyler moving about within the cabin, and she wished he’d come back out soon.

She was eager to see him. Watch him. Talk to him.

Their first sexual encounter she’d been the aggressor but something had happened to him once they’d woken up from their nap. He’d practically pushed her into the bathroom and turned the water on, dragging her into the shower along with him. He’d given her a scorching kiss that seemed to last for hours, so intensely hot it weakened her knees. Then he’d soaped her up, her body sudsy and slick before she returned the favor. Their hands and mouths wandered everywhere until he’d finally hauled her up by the waist against the cold, hard tile wall and fucked her right there. With the secret condom he’d slipped into the shower as if that had been his plan all along.

Which it probably had and she couldn’t fault him for that. She liked a man who had a specific plan of action. Especially when it involved her.

They’d slept so long it had been late afternoon when they woke up. Then they’d spent so much time in the shower they’d come out of it with their skin shriveled up like little old people. He’d taken her out to dinner, to one of the local restaurants that was a complete tourist trap but charming. It was filled to the brim with locals and out-of-towners, and they ate at the bar.

She’d had the best time. Talking and laughing, sharing all sorts of silly stories, it had been so easy to be with Tyler. To open up and be real and not feel the need to put on some sort of front and pretend she was someone else. It was hard to admit but that’s exactly how she’d behaved with previous dates, even with a few boyfriends. She’d never been one to open up.
