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They practically ran back to the cabin, they didn’t even bother to hide their eagerness, which Julie found extremely refreshing. The men she’d gone out with recently put on such airs. As if they were in complete control, had all the time in the world and didn’t let pesky things such as emotion ever ruffle them.

She found it pathetically boring. What happened to the men who claimed what they wanted? Who didn’t act as if they were too cool for everyone in the room? A bunch of pretentious bastards, that’s all she’d been dealing with lately.

That’s why Tyler Nichols was such a breath of fresh air.

The intensity in his gaze just after they kissed took her breath away. He looked like he wanted to devour her. And she’d been perfectly willing to lay herself out on that old dock full of splinters and offer herself up to him.

Luckily enough common sense overrode instant lust and he’d suggested going back to the cabin. Smart man. She had no idea she could move so fast. The cabin loomed ahead, quaint and welcoming, shrouded in shadow by the towering pines, and she wondered what he might do if she attacked him once the door slammed closed.

Or maybe he would attack her?

She smiled. Either option sounded perfect.

He bounded up the stairs of the front porch, taking two at a time, and she followed him. Watched as he pulled the key out of his shorts pocket and unlocked the door with the eagerness of a teenage boy just about to let a girl into his house for the first time.

She could relate. Everything about this felt young and innocent and fun. Oh yes, and also lusty and sexy and carnal. When was the last time she actually had sex with a man? A few months at least. Mister Pinky definitely didn’t count. She’d had a pretty sweet little orgasm last night but nothing like what a real man could bring her. Not when he’d put his hands and fingers and mouth and tongue to good use. Oh yes, and also his cock…

Tyler held the door open for her and she slipped inside, nerves making her shaky. She rubbed her suddenly sweaty palms on the front of her shorts, flicked her hair behind her shoulders. Desperately wanting to look normal when she felt anything but.

He closed the door and flicked the lock. Slowly turned so that he faced her. The look of raw hunger on his handsome face stole her breath, and she braced herself as he approached her.

“I fantasized about this so many times when we were kids,” he murmured as he slipped an arm around her waist and hauled her close.

She pressed her hands against the broad expanse of his chest, impressed with the hard muscle she encountered beneath her fingertips. “Really?”

“Oh, yeah.” He kissed her, a hungry, quick melding of lips and tongue and then he pulled away. “Specific fantasies about me and you in this cabin, I might add.”

“I think that’s hot,” she whispered, meaning every word. That they could act out all of his fantasies, right here and right now. She’d never been the object of a man’s fantasy before. At least, not that she knew of.

She found it incredibly exciting.

“I think you’re hot,” he confessed just before he kissed her again. An even more intense kiss this time, his tongue and mouth were doing mysteriously wonderful things to her head, her body. She felt as if she was melting, and she clung to his shoulders, anchoring herself to him so she wouldn’t fall to the floor in a heap of lust.

“Maybe…” she could barely get the words out what with the way he kept nibbling on her neck, licking and kissing and sucking the sensitive flesh. “Maybe we should take this to the bedroom.”

“Good idea.” He lifted his head, his eyes blazing with lust-filled intensity behind the glasses. Withdrawing from her, he took her hand and led her down the hall, swinging her into the room.

She went to the bed, not about to put up any sort of pretense. She wanted him, simple as that. And she wasn’t going to deny herself for fear of what he might be thinking or whatever. Not like she didn’t know he wanted her.

It was pretty obvious by the way he tore his T-shirt off with one simple grab at the back of his neck. Or how he kicked off his shoes, shucked his underwear and shorts with one quick tug, leaving him gloriously naked. She stood paralyzed by the end of the bed, her mouth hanging open as she drank him in.

Finely formed muscle and sinew, broad sh

oulders and chest, a light dusting of hair at the center, her gaze wandered down his flat stomach. Trim hips, thick thighs and a mouthwateringly perfect erect cock thrusting toward her.

He approached her in a rush, didn’t even give her a chance to say a word. His hands were everywhere, tugging at the hem of her T-shirt, pulling at the waistband of her shorts. His mouth fused to hers, a little groan escaped him when his hands encountered bare flesh. They crept up her back to fiddle with the snaps of her bra and deftly undid them.

For all his talk and her memories of him being a nerd in the past, Tyler certainly knew his way around a woman’s clothing, that was for sure.

“I’m rushing you, I know,” he said once he had her completely naked. He gave a gentle push at her shoulders with the tips of his fingers, and she fell to the mattress, a little smile on her face. “But I don’t want to wait. I need to be inside you.”

And she wanted him inside her. He went to the bedside table and pulled the top drawer all the way out, delving deep until he pulled out a small box of condoms. A secret stash, she was sure. He yanked a foil packet out and tore into it, sheathing his huge erection with intense urgency.

He collapsed on top of her, careful to not press his full weight upon her, and she found that endearingly considerate. Their mouths met again, locking into a dreamy, delicious kiss and she wondered if she would ever get tired of kissing him. Especially when he cupped her cheek with his broad palm, his fingers tangling in her hair. It was…sweet.

And sexy and hot.

His thick cock probed between her legs, and she spread wider, ready for him to slide inside. Despite his proclamation of wanting to rush her he moved down her body, leaving a burning path of kisses along her neck, the top of her chest, her breasts. He licked one nipple, bathing it with his tongue and she gasped with pleasure. When he drew her nipple deep into his mouth and sucked, she very nearly lifted off the bed.
