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“When it feels right, it just feels right,” he agreed. And boy did this feel right, sitting next to her, watching the sunlight glint off her vibrant hair. She’d taken the band out of it once they sat, and it spilled past her shoulders. It wasn’t just red, it was a myriad of colors. The base was a rich, brownish-auburn, with shimmers of deep red, light red, an almost orange color interwoven and golden strands threaded throughout. He wondered if it was natural. If it was soft to the touch.

He was dying to find out.

She sighed and tilted her face up toward the sun. He watched as her eyes slid closed behind her sunglasses, and her lips parted invitingly.

Damn, she looked sexy. The sun warmed her skin, making it appear golden and creamy. She shifted her long, bare legs, the already-short shorts riding up her thighs and giving him a glimpse of pure heaven. Images of those shapely thighs wrapped around his waist as he pounded his cock deep inside her flashed through his mind, and he shifted. Afraid she might catch sight of his sudden erection.

“I could sit out here all day,” she murmured, her voice so soft it almost got carried away with the breeze. “I can’t remember the last time I sat outside and just did…nothing. I don’t even have my Blackberry on me.”

“Is it normally attached permanently to your hand?” He could relate. He thought his iPhone was the greatest invention ever created.

“Oh, yeah.” She laughed, then paused. A look of panic crossed her face. “Maybe I should go back and check it. People are always emailing me, texting me, whatever. Clients, employees, I’ve always told them I’m on call twenty-four/seven.”

Julie started to get up but he grabbed her hand, stopping her. “Relax. They can wait for a few hours. Nothing could be that urgent, could it? Especially on a weekend.”

Her fingers flexed within his grip and she slowly sat back down next to him. “You’re right. I think I just urged myself right into a panic attack.”

“Over nothing,” he agreed. They still hadn’t let go of each other’s hand, and he gave hers a gentle squeeze. “Just enjoy the day. The lake is the fullest it’s been in years, you know.”

She nodded, wisps of fiery hair brushing against her face. “From all the rain and snow we had this winter, I’m sure.”

“Exactly. Imagine how cold that water is.” He leaned in close, his mouth hovering just by her ear. The delicate shell dotted by a single pearl earring tempted him. To kiss, to nibble, to lick. “What do you think you’d do if I pushed you in?”

Julie turned toward him, eyes wide with surprise. “You wouldn’t dare.”

With a chuckle, Tyler shook his head. “Nah, I wouldn’t. I’m afraid of what you might do to me if I did.”

She laughed as well and released his hand, nudging his shoulder with the tips of her fingers. “You’d probably like to see me come out of the water all wet like a drowned rat.”

All wet…wrong choice of words on her part. He immediately thought of her T-shirt clinging to her like a second skin, hard nipples poking against the soaked fabric, goose bumps dotting her flesh as the water dripped down her body.

Yeah, his dick was really getting eager now.

“You’d be in a lot of trouble,” she agreed, the laughter dying on her lips as her gaze zeroed in on his mouth.

He was leaning in closer, as if he wanted to kiss her. Which he did. The past years of longing, the more recent years of curiosity, all of them came crashing down upon him at this very moment, and he decided he didn’t want to wait any longer.

Tentatively, he set his lips upon hers, not wanting to push for fear she might not react the way he hoped. But she didn’t pull away. She scooted closer, her lips parting from his for the briefest moment before she returned. Soft and plump, damp and clinging to his, she kissed him, her mouth opening for his more and more until he teased her with his tongue.

A little groan escaped her, and he slipped his arm around her shoulders, hauling her to him. They sat on the edge of the dock, their legs swinging over the ledge, lips locked and arms around each other. Just as he’d envisioned so long ago in his teenage dreams.

He wasn’t one to be sentimental but this was getting to him. Their tongues touched, danced against each other and he slipped a hand into her hair to anchor her close. The strands were silky soft, clinging to his fingers and he stroked her, reveled in the softness. The beauty of her.

Julie broke the kiss first, her breath accelerated, her eyes bright with what he hoped was lust. “Wow,” she whispered.

“Is that a good wow or a bad wow?” He lifted his eyebrows in question.

“Definitely good.” She withdrew from his hold, her fingers going to her mouth where she tentatively brushed them against her lips. “I just…didn’t expect that.”

He didn’t know how to answer her. Was she upset? She didn’t appear upset. No, she looked…jarred. Thrown for a loop maybe, but that was quite possibly a good thing since he felt the same way.

“Maybe we should head back to the cabin,” he said as he checked his watch. He couldn’t endure the silence any longer. “It’s almost lunch time. Are you hungry?”

“Oh, yeah.” She nodded, her gaze meeting his. “I suddenly find myself extremely hungry.”

“Me, too,” he agreed, not talking about food. And he doubted she was either.

Chapter Three
