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He’d fucked her there too. Pushed himself deep inside her, filled her with shallow strokes, drove them both crazy with powerful, mindless thrusts.

It was still hard for him to comprehend that it had only been one day. One freaking day. And he’d felt as if he’d experienced a lifetime of moments with her. Moments he wanted to continue.

He was thinking like a sentimental fool. Ideas of forever and relationships when he had a beautiful, naked woman sprawled directly in front of him like some sort of offering. A gift he needed to take full advantage of.

So he did.

Tyler slid his hands up her calves, over her knees, behind them. She shifted, a little giggle escaping her, and he realized she was ticklish. Good to know.

Scooting closer, his hands brushed the top of her thighs, then the inside of them. Her skin quivered beneath his touch, her accelerated breathing reached his ears and her scent grew muskier, sharper. As if her arousal had just ratcheted up a few notches from his nearness. He leaned in, rained kisses atop her knees, her thighs, his tongue darting out to lick. Salty sweet flesh, deliciously firm and yet soft, she had a woman’s body he appreciated.

Hell, he worshipped. He teased. Her restless shifting and low whimpers indicated she wanted him to touch her between her legs, but he wouldn’t. Not yet. He wanted her crazed with want. Wanted to see her fall apart beneath him, but more than anything he wanted to hear her beg.

Just for him.

Moving up, he heard her moan of disappointment and smiled. He kissed her soft belly, tongued the indent of her navel as he worked his way up her body. Her nipples were rock hard little points of pink flesh, and he licked first one, then the other. Offering them both equal time, he sucked and licked, nibbled and stroked until she was quivering beneath him. Her hands tugged at his hair, pushed at his shoulders, trying to guide him down to where she really wanted him.

He couldn’t help but laugh.

“It’s not funny,” she gasped out, as if every word pained her while she spoke. “You’re driving me insane.”

“That’s my plan,” he said, casting a lecherous grin in her direction as he lifted himself away from her.

She glared at him, all fiery, tempting woman. “This isn’t very relaxing I’ll have you know.”

“I’m working up to the good stuff. Tell me this doesn’t feel good already.” He licked her nipple again, slow and careful, tracing the delicate pink of her areola.

“Ooh, it does,” she couldn’t deny. Her eyelids slid closed, and she arched into his touch, into his mouth. He took her deep, sucking her nipple into his mouth, laving it with his tongue.

“And this is going to feel even better,” he whispered against her belly as he slid down, settled himself between her legs.

The little whispered scream she gave indicated she was more than ready. And all he did was breathe on her. A gust of hot air against her most sensitive skin, he did it again, enjoyed watching her squirm.

And how she squirmed. Her legs grew restless, her inner thighs quivered and her hands slid down, one of them landing briefly on his shoulder.

“Tyler. Please,” she whispered in seeming agony, and he knew he couldn’t withstand her any longer.

Bending his head, he brushed his face against her pussy, breathing her in, kissing her there. Gentle, open-mouthed kisses that teased and tormented if her breathing was any indication. Finally he licked. His tongue flickered against her clit, then down, along her creamy folds, lingering at her entry. His tongue darted and traced, tasting her, learning her, wanting only to give her pleasure.

“Yes,” she hissed, her legs spreading more, her fingers spearing into his hair. “Oh God, just like that.”

He licked from the top of her slit all the way down, his tongue flattened and wide, not missing an inch. Her body trembled, her inner walls tried to draw him in when he slipped his tongue inside her. He replaced his tongue with his index finger, sliding in deep. Her body clutched at him, tight and strong and he fucked her with one finger, then two. In and out, in and out, feeling the need that swept through her, helping it grow stronger and stronger.

Amazing how well he knew her body already. How close she grew with his every thrust. He kept his gaze locked on her face, wanting to watch her come. It was a beautiful sight to behold, one he’d already seen before, but he wanted to experience it again.


He ate at her as if he was ravenous. His tongue and mouth were both greedy. His fingers slipped deep inside her. She worked against him, shifting her hips so that he paid more attention to her clit, and he gave her what she wanted. Drew the swollen little piece of flesh into his mouth and sucked. Hard.

Julie started to chant. Over and over again, first with her encouragement, then she said his name. Her entire body tensed, her legs grew tight, her thighs creeping closer until they clamped about his head. He fucked her vigorously with his fingers, licked at her clit fast and then slow, alternating his rhythm. Driving her closer and closer until she suddenly came undone beneath him.

She came against his mouth, her entire body racked with shudders. Her cream coated his fingers, and he gentled his thrusts, his tongue slowly lapping at her until finally she calmed. But it was long moments until she spoke.

“Oh my God,” she finally said once she found her voice.

Tyler pressed a kiss on the inside of her thigh before he rolled away from her. “Are you all right?”

“I’m freaking fabulous.” She exhaled loudly and then began to giggle. “That was ridiculously good.”
