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And what a sight. He watched as well, his glittering gaze locked on her mouth, at his thick cock sliding in and out of it. Their gazes met, locked on each other, and he didn’t look away. Neither did she. Slowly she withdrew him from her mouth, drew her tongue around his head once more, putting on an elaborate show just for his viewing enjoyment.

“Jesus, Julie.” He touched her, his fingers slid along the side of her head, into her hair and her eyes briefly closed from the tactile pleasure. “I’m going to come.”

“I want you to.” She sucked him, her cheeks hollowing from the suction just before she released him from her mouth. Slipping her fingers around the base of him once more, she began to stroke, staring up at him. “I want you to come in my mouth.”

The strangled groan he gave indicated he was barely holding onto his control and she drew him into her mouth once more, sucking him deep, sucking him hard. She bobbed up and down, her hand moving in tandem and he tensed beneath her, indicating he was close. So close.

One afternoon and evening with him intimately and already she recognized the signs that he was about to come. She held onto that, cherished the thought, cherished the man and she moaned with her own delight when she felt the first blast of semen hit the back of her throat.

He came with great, shuddering movements, his cock pulsing within her mouth, his come splashing upon her tongue. She drank him all, an act she’d never done before with any other man and when she finally swallowed the last drop and drew him from her mouth, she stared up at him in wonder.

His breathing was harsh, his chest rising and falling rapidly as his body slumped into the chair. “God, Julie. What you do to me. I don’t know if I’ll ever recover.”

She felt exactly the same.

Chapter Five

This woman deserved more than a quick fuck on the deck outside after what she did for him. Granted, it had been an outrageous, fucking awesome blowjob on the deck outside in front of God and everybody, but he wanted to do more for her.

Tyler wanted to give Julie everything, anything she wanted.

Once he’d recovered from the intense orgasm brought on by her wondrous mouth, he led her back into the cabin, their clothes forgotten on the lounge chair. He was completely naked. She was topless, clad in only a pair of black cotton capri pants. Her breasts swayed deliciously as she walked, and he remembered the way they tasted. The way she smelled. How she’d arched into his mouth and whimpered her pleasure, her fingers tight in his hair, hurting him.

He’d taken the pain. He’d take whatever she’d give him just to have her like this. Naked and free with herself, so giving, so very, very generous.

Now it was his turn to be generous. To give her some of the same delicious treatment she’d given him.

He wanted her writhing beneath him on the bed. Naked and sprawled for his to take, he wanted to taste her again. Fuck her with his tongue and truly please her this time, not just tease. Lick her clit until she screamed with her orgasm.

Yeah, he wanted it all. And he knew he could give it to her. He was full of adrenaline, of emotion, all of it focused solely on her, he wouldn’t do anything less but pleasure her completely.

“Take these off,” he commanded with a low growl, like some sort of Neanderthal. His hands rested on her hips, pushing at the offending black pants she wore, and she slipped them off eagerly, revealing her gorgeous ass and long legs.

Taking a step back, he appreciated the sexy view. The sweet curve of her ass, shapely tan legs and delicate feet with bright pink painted toenails. She was a sexy, smart, beautiful package, everything he could ever want in a woman.

Not a surprise considering she’d been everything he wanted as a lust-filled, awkward teen. That she’d grown into this, smart, ambitious, damn confident—it didn’t surprise him. Made him wish they could have something more, something real.

Could they? It had been only one day. One freaking day and he was thinking like this. Normally he’d wonder what the hell was wrong with him.

Now he wondered what the hell was wrong with him that he didn’t try his hardest to make her his. Forever.

“Lay down,” he said, his voice curt, a little sharp. She startled at the sound, glanced at him over her shoulder as she did as he bid. Going to the side of the bed, she crawled on top of the mattress and lay flat on her back. Her legs spread the

slightest bit, giving him a teasing glimpse of glistening pink flesh.

His skin tightened, his heart hammered and already his cock hardened. He’d just experienced one of the most intense orgasms of his life and…yeah. He was ready for more.

This woman was making him fucking insatiable.

Crawling onto the mattress, he approached her like a predatory animal stalked its prey. She watched him, a mixture of wariness and arousal in her expression as he drew near. As if all of a sudden she didn’t quite trust him or what he might do to her.

“You look scared.” Reaching out, he grasped her ankle, caressed the soft skin of her calf. She shuddered beneath his touch as he arranged her foot so that it was planted on the mattress, knee bent.

“You just kind of snapped at me,” she admitted, her voice small, her eyes wide as she stared at him.

“Sorry.” Grabbing her other ankle, he put it in a similar position. “You drive me absolutely crazy.”

Now her legs were spread and her knees bent, giving him a full look at her pretty pink pussy. He stared his fill, saw the shimmer of juices that coated her flesh, the delicate smattering of dark trimmed hair that covered her mound. Her scent reached his nostrils, fragrant, feminine, alluring. He’d licked her there. He’d touched her there too. Stroked her with his fingers, thrust his fingers deep, made her come when he’d played with her clit.
