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“Yeah?” Male pride made him want to beat on his chest with both fists. “Glad I could oblige.”

“Oh you obliged all right.” Her fingers wrapped around his upper arm and drew him close so she could press a lingering kiss to his lips. “Thank you,” she whispered.

Had a woman ever thanked him for giving her an orgasm before? He didn’t think so. Pulling away slightly, he studied her. The wild cloud of her vibrant hair, the pink flush that colored her cheeks, covered her upper chest, the dazed look in her eyes…she had the look of a well-satisfied woman. His well-satisfied woman.

Damn, he felt possessive. Like some sort of primitive male who wanted to grasp his female by the hair and drag her back to his cave. Where he could brand her with his mark, let everyone know in the tribe that she belonged to him and only him.

Tyler scrubbed a hand over his face, banishing his ludicrous thoughts. What the hell was he doing, thinking like this? He’d straight lost his mind.

“It’s late,” she murmured, drawing lazy circles upon his upper arm. As if she didn’t want to stop touching him. “W

e should get some sleep.”

“Yeah,” he agreed, reaching for her once more. She let him pull her body toward his, her back to his front, her head nestled in the crook of his neck and upon his shoulder. Her fragrant hair brushed against his face, and he pushed it away gently, savoring the silky feel.

She practically purred as he stroked her hair so he continued. “That feels good,” she murmured, her voice laced with lazy pleasure.

It felt good to make her feel good. He closed his eyes, allowed exhaustion to slowly take over. Only became alert when he heard her faded whisper.

“Wish this could last forever.”

Me too…

Chapter Six

She was having the best dream. Wrapped up in the arms of a muscular, warm man, her face nestled against his firm chest. Her legs tangled with his, she felt the light hair on his thighs abrade her smooth skin as she slid her thigh between his. She swore she felt the brush of his erection across her belly, and she reached between them, wrapped her fingers tight around the base.

Julie’s eyes cracked open to find herself staring at Tyler’s stubble-covered jaw, fingers clasped tight about his cock. This was no dream. It was gloriously, one hundred percent real, and she smiled. Just as she heard him groan.

God, she loved it when he groaned, moaned, called out her name. They’d made love twice in the middle of the night. As if they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other, as if the both of them couldn’t get enough. She was tender between her legs this morning, and she knew she should take it easy but she couldn’t.

She wanted him too much.

“Mmm, faster,” Tyler whispered, his hips lifting, his cock sliding through her fingers.

She increased her pace, glancing down between their bodies so she could watch. His cock was hard as a rock, the skin of the head tight and flushed a purplish red. He was so big, so hard and hot. She wanted him inside her, filling her, fucking her straight into oblivion and beyond.

It was becoming an addiction, her Tyler-induced orgasms. He was just so damn good at making them happen.

Tyler tensed at the moment her movements stilled and they looked at each other, their heads cocked toward the window. She swore she heard a car door slam, and he must’ve heard it too. It sounded awfully close. As if someone might’ve parked in the driveway.

“You heard that right?” he whispered.

She nodded, her grip relaxing on his cock. It sounded like someone was walking on the porch, their heavy footfalls echoing in her ears. At least two people from the sounds of it, she could hear muffled talking. A man and woman. She waited for the sound of a knock.

It didn’t happen.

Tyler withdrew from her completely, grabbing his eyeglasses from the bedside table and slipping them on. He stood stock still, his gaze locked on hers, and she could only stare at him in return.

“Do you think they’re gone?” she whispered.

He shook his head and went to the closed bedroom door, rested his head against it. “I swear to God they’re inside the house.”

“What?” Julie quietly shrieked, hopping out of bed. No way was she meeting her demise while naked in bed. That was the biggest cliché in all the horror movies.

“Sssh.” Tyler pressed his index finger against his lips and resumed his listening at the door. “The voices sound familiar.”

She heard them too. The murmur of conversation. The sound of footsteps as they came closer. She glanced wildly about the room, looking for an article of clothing, anything to cover her nakedness, and she found his shirt. Tugged the T-shirt on so it fell almost to her knees, covering her completely.
