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“Sshh,” he whispered as if he could feel her frustration building. She realized her body was tense, and she willed herself to relax. The grip of her fingers in his hair lessened, and she stroked his head, his hair drifting through her fingers. Her reward was a gentle lick along the underside of her left breast.

The agonized moan that escaped her sounded desperate even to her own ears.

“I love how responsive you are,” he murmured against her skin, making her shiver. He licked again, up, up, coming close to her armpit before he veered off, his tongue running against her nipple for the briefest moment before it was gone. “Does this feel good? Are you relaxed now?”

“Yes and no,” she said from between clenched teeth. She wasn’t relaxed whatsoever. She was coiled tight, tense with anticipation and need and the bastard knew it. She could tell by the amusement lacing his deep voice.

“Relax, Jules.” No one had called her Jules in years, not even her family anymore and that’s where she’d gotten the nickname in the first place. “Enjoy this. I’m doing it all for you.”

“You’re driving me crazy,” she admitted, a whimper slipping past her lips when he drew her nipple into his mouth and began sucking gently. The pull of his mouth worked a similar pull deep within her body. The sensation sizzled and pulsed in her veins, t

ingled along her flesh and when his teeth clamped down and bit, she about jumped out of her skin.

They’d been at this all day long. He’d been inside her three times, and they were going for moment number four. With her last relationship they’d had sex once a week, right on schedule, every Thursday night. All of the spontaneity taken out of it just to appease their heavy workloads so they could get a night of sex.

She’d just gained a month’s worth of sex all in less than twenty-four hours.

The man might kill her if they were actually to become involved in a steady relationship.

Banishing the too-serious thought, she concentrated instead on the man who now sucked her other nipple, offering it the same attention as the first. Cool mountain air wafted across her skin and it made her damp-from-his-mouth nipple harden and chill to an almost painful sensation.

It was a good pain. A delicious pain and she tugged on his hair, pulled him away from her nipple. He let it go with an audible pop, gazing up at her as if she’d lost her mind for making him stop.

So handsome, his dark hair tousled from her hands, his pouty mouth damp from his attentions upon her flesh. Reaching up, she gently pulled his glasses from his face and set them on top of the table next to the chair. Meeting his gaze once more, she realized his eyes were the slightest bit unfocused, as if he couldn’t quite make her out and she suddenly found him so sweet. Endearing.

Gorgeous. Sexy. Mouth-wateringly delicious. She had the sudden urge to taste him. To strip him of his clothing and run her mouth across his hard stomach and then lower. She wanted to tease at the sensitive flesh on the inside of each of his thighs, to run her tongue on the underside of his sac. To lick at the tip of his cock just before she drew him deep inside her mouth.

“Let’s take this off.” She grabbed the hem of his shirt, and he lifted his arms obediently, letting her tug the offending garment off. Then she went for the waistband of his khaki shorts, undoing the button, sliding down his zipper. Encountering warm, black cotton boxer briefs hiding a hard, long package just beneath.

She stroked him, just a gentle glide of her fingers down the firm length of him, and his cock jerked beneath her touch. She watched, fascinated with his body’s reaction to her, the way his hips lifted subtly, asking for more. The tortured throaty groan as he leaned his head back against the edge of the chair.

Had she ever felt this sexy, this wanted, this needed?


She slipped off his lap, his hands grappling after her, as if he didn’t want her to leave. A satisfied smile curled her lips, and she went down on her knees before him, saw the dawning light in his beautiful eyes. He wasn’t about to protest, not with the gift she was about to offer him.

Wordlessly, she reached for his unbuttoned shorts and he lifted his hips, allowed her to take them off along with his boxer briefs. His cock sprang free as if relieved, long and thick as it rose from his body. She shucked his clothing, her gaze never straying from his erection and she admired it. She had to admit she’d never thought highly of the looks of a man’s penis. Oh, they had their uses and were quite enjoyable but really to want to sit and study it? Appreciate its masculine beauty and actually anticipate having it in her mouth?

Nope, she couldn’t ever admit to thinking like that. Not until now.

She reached for him, her fingers curled loosely about the base and his cock pulsed beneath her touch. Hot, velvety hardness lined with prominent veins, she traced them with her index finger, fascinated. He was built for her pleasure as well as his own. She circled the flared head of his cock, traced the underside, which earned a jerk of his hips. A pearl of creamy liquid formed at the very tip, and she leaned in. Her tongue snuck out and tasted, his salty essence dissolving slowly and she savored it.

Such an intimate act, taking this man’s cock into her mouth. Tucking her hair behind her ears, she pursed her lips, leaving a sloppy wet kiss on the very tip. She heard his chuckle, just the reaction she was looking for and she relaxed her lips. Allowed them to slide over the bulbous head, tasting more of his pre-come.

“God, yeah.” The two words were ripped from deep inside his throat, urging her on. She opened her mouth fully and drew him in, her lips offering the slightest pressure as she slowly slid down upon him. Until he was halfway in her mouth, the very fleshy life of him throbbing between her lips.

Julie had never liked taking a man so deep inside her mouth, but she did it for Tyler. Because she wanted to. Because she needed to. She needed to give him as much pleasure as she could. She wanted to make him happy. She wanted him to pass out in blissful ignorance when she was done with him. She wanted him to come down her throat shouting her name as she drank the very essence of him.

Yes, she wanted that. She wanted all of that. The image urged her on, and she took him deeper, until she swore she felt the head of his cock bump the back of her throat. Immediately she drew him out, not wanting to gag and embarrass herself.

She didn’t want to look like a total pro, but she didn’t want to look like an inexperienced imbecile either.

Giving her throat a break, she licked him. Up and down, slow and then fast, around and around as if he were a delicious ice cream treat and it was the height of a sizzling hot summer day. His musky rich scent filled her nostrils as she breathed deep, his equally musky taste filled her mouth and she drew him back between her lips, sucking just the head of him hard, harder, until he started to thrust.

As if he was fucking her mouth.

Damn that was sexy, she thought as she watched the lift of his hips, felt the shift of his cock as it filled her mouth and then withdrew. She kept up with his rhythm, allowed her gaze to drift upward so she could watch him.
