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No wonder her mother gave her so much grief.

“I bet you are,” he said with a fond smile. “I’m sure it’s a lot of fun.”

“Most of the time everyone drives me crazy. I don’t really see them that much.” She grew somber as she stared into the distance. She heard the faint murmurings of their neighbors next door who were having a small get-together. Music sounded in the distance, most likely coming from the very popular tavern that was just down the lake. Sound carried easily here at night, she’d learned long ago. She and her sister had giggled long into the night once when they’d heard a passionate outdoors-in-the-woods-encounter carry on along the breeze.

“But you don’t live that far from them, right? I mean, I know you said you’re in Folsom but…”

“Yeah, they aren’t that far. And my sister and brother never really left the area either. It’s just… I don’t know.” She shrugged, suddenly feeling kind of crappy. She wasn’t the best daughter or sister in the world. And she definitely wasn’t the best sort of girlfriend either. Her lack of recent boyfriends and hell, recent dates proved that. “I’m just always busy.”

“You’re too busy,” he murmured.

God, hadn’t she heard that one enough already? Surprisingly, it didn’t upset her when it came from Tyler.

“I am way too busy,” she agreed, knowing she just surprised him. “Maybe you should teach me how to relax more. I need to learn how to slow down and enjoy life.”

“I could teach you,” he agreed as he reached out his hand. She took it, watching with rapt attention as their fingers linked and intertwined so easily. Just like that. “Come here.”

Without a word she went to him, secretly thrilling at his quiet command. She stood at the edge of his chair, their hands still linked. He stared up at her, the moonlight glinting on the edge of his glasses and he tugged the slightest bit. “Sit on my lap.”

Her skin tingled as she settled herself upon him, straddling him as she rested on her knees, her thighs on either side of his hips. She could feel his thick erection through his khaki shorts already, and it thrilled her. That he could react so quickly because of her. Because of how she made him feel.

It was a powerful, heady thing, the reaction he had toward her.

“Have you enjoyed today?” he asked as he slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her so she hovered above him, her breasts practically in his face.

“Oh, yes.” She couldn’t deny that. If she’d been by herself at the cabin, she might’ve been climbing the walls by now. She certainly would’ve been sitting out on this deck with her laptop checking email that was for sure. Drawing up business plans, reviewing clients’ needs, or maybe even just some mindless surfing. She was rarely away from her laptop at night and if the TV was on, it was mostly for background noise.

Since she’d arrived last night, she hadn’t even turned her laptop on. The TV sat dark. She’d checked her Blackberry for messages twice. That was it.

It was downright liberating, living relatively tech-free.

“This is what I do every weekend, you know.” Leaning in, he nuzzled his face against her cotton-covered breasts, a seemingly innocent gesture that made her nipples hard, her entire body sizzle with awareness. “Unless there’s a special circumstance I take every single weekend off.”

“Isn’t your store open on the weekends?” She rested her hands on his shoulders, squeezing gently. God, he was hard. Firm. Big.

Big everywhere.

“My store is open seven days a week, but I know how to delegate. How to trust others, that they’ll run my business the way I want them to. You would benefit to do the same, you know.” He nuzzled again. She felt his hot breath fan against her breasts, even through the layers of her T-shirt and bra.

“I know. You’re right.” She sank her hands into the hair at the back of his head, tugging on the soft strands. He bit at the fabric of her shirt, his teeth scraping her flesh and she shuddered. “I should listen to you, take your advice. Because you’re so very, very wise.”

“I’m terribly wise.” He lifted his hips, his cock rubbing against her pussy, and she stifled a moan. “Take your shirt off, babe.”

She tugged it off at his gentle command and tossed it onto the chair she just vacated, revealing her pretty pale pink satin bra. His eyes widened in appreciation as they focused on her breasts. “Is getting naked part of my learning how to relax plan?”

“Hell, yes,” he practically growled. “I mean come on, don’t you feel pretty damn relaxed after a major orgasm?”

“I do have to admit they tend to relax me quite well,” she said with a giggle as he pressed his face between her breasts, his damp mouth like a blast of heat upon her skin. “I, uh, really like what you’re doing right now too.”

“I bet,” he mumbled against her skin. His hands went around to her back, his fingers nimbly undoing the clasp on her bra so it sprang free. She shrugged out of it, eager to bare her flesh to his seeking hands and mouth and tongue.

His hands came forward, palms cupping the sides of her breasts and bringing them close. An abundance of pale flesh with hard pink tips, he stared at them, his lips parted, his breathing accelerated. As if it aroused him to study her in such a close manner.

“Suck them,” she suddenly urged, her voice a harsh whisper. God, she didn’t think she could stand it, having him touch her yet not putting his mouth on her.

And she really enjoyed that mouth. It employed a rather high level of skill when it was drifting across her skin, licking and sucking her straight into oblivion.

Casting her a sly smile, he leaned in and breathed deep, his lids drifting closed as if he enjoyed inhaling her scent. He nuzzled her chest again, creating a scatter of goose bumps across her skin from the rasp of his stubble, the warmth of his breath. His lips were damp, a tease of sensation as they drifted along the valley between her breasts. Frustration filled her that he wouldn’t do her bidding. That he continued to tease and torment when all she wanted was instant gratification.
