Page 13 of Claimed (For Her 3)

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It takes me a moment to get myself together. Jordan just stands there, rubbing my back with a gentle hand. I thought he was going to laugh at me or something for being so crazy, but I pull back and finally get the courage to look at him. He’s still wearing his soft smile, but he firms his hand on my back, pressing me further into him, and I nudge against what has to be a lead pipe in his pants. Either that or a very, very large erection.

“I’ll get you your report, so don’t worry about it. Why don’t you think of what you want to do on our date tonight?”

“It can be anything?” I ask, feeling both nervous and excited. But maybe that has to do with the anaconda going down his leg.

“As long as the people around us aren’t getting naked,” he teases, and it makes me smile. I notice he didn’t say we can’t get naked, but I keep that thought to myself, having already almost died from embarrassment this morning.

He leans back a little and puts a few inches of space between us. I’m irritated by it, but then I realize he’s probably got to tame that monster in his slacks or my libido is going to start salsa dancing all over him.

“I’ve always wanted to do one of the carriage rides in Central Park,” I admit. I see people on them looking so happy and in love. I don’t care if it’s cheesy, I still want to do it.

“Then that’s what we’ll do,” he replies easily.

Jordan takes my hand and leads me to the elevator, sliding his key card in. I know all the higher-security people have a fancy card that makes the elevator come directly to them, so it’s nice I don’t have to wait.

I eye the card for a minute. “You want one?” He holds up the little black card.

“Am I that easy to read?” I lick my lips and wonder what else he reads so easily about me. For some reason I kind of like it. When it comes to him I can be shy at times. Something I’m not used to with people. I speak my mind but with him I care what he thinks.

“To me, yes. But I also watch you more than anyone else.” He shrugs like it’s normal to watch me. Then I wonder how often he does it. His security floor monitors the entire building, and they can see everything up there, even what we do on our computers, if they want to go looking.

The elevator doors open, and we both step in. He hits the button to my floor, and the doors close. I lean into him, wanting to be close. Something about him calms me. The chaos that often invades my mind, reminding me of things I need to do, people I need to talk to, slips away, and I’m left with a feeling of warmth and happiness. I think I could stand next to him and forget the rest of the world.

When the elevator dings, he puts his hand to my back and leads me to my desk.

“Have a good day, Jay,” he tells me as I sit down in my chair. I look up at him, but he doesn’t move, and I think maybe he’s thinking about kissing me or something. He rests his hands on my desk, and leans down. I love how his big frame always makes me feel so small.

“No more asking men if you’re sexy. You want someone to tell you that, you come find me.” With that, he turns and leaves, heading back to the elevator, and I watch as he hits the button.

I see he left his key card on my desk. “Jordan,” I say, picking it up as the elevator dings and he gets on.

“Keep it. In case you ever need to get to me faster. You know, if you need someone to tell you how sexy you look,” he teases. With that, the elevator doors slide closed.

I don’t know how long I sit there with butterflies dancing in my stomach, but eventually Skyler snaps her fingers in front of my face. “Earth to Jay.”

“Sorry,” I say, looking up at her. I take the card in my hand and slide it under my keyboard. I don’t think I’ll ever use the thing, but I find his giving it to me oddly sweet.

“I’ve never seen you sit still.” She leans in a little. “Good sex will do that to you.” She taps my desk before turning and leaving me alone. I’ve barely kissed him and I’m already this far gone. Sex could possibly put me in a coma.

I shake my head and turn on my computer, knowing I need to get to work. I glance at the clock and see Miles still hasn’t made it in yet. He’s prone to lateness sometimes now that he has Mallory in his life.

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