Page 12 of Claimed (For Her 3)

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I hail a cab and wonder if maybe I should just go back and get different shoes, but they look so pretty. Sexy, even. I’ve never thought of myself as sexy before. When I get to my office building, I stop in the lobby when I see Mark, one of the security guards, staring at me with a smile pulling at his lips. I walk over to him and return the smile. Mark keeps an eye out for people I’m waiting to talk to. He lets me know when he sees them so I can cut them off and get what I need.

“You’re all dolled up today,” he says, and I smile at his compliment. He’s never given me one before.

I eye him for a second before leaning in. “Do you think it’s sexy?” I look down at my outfit, wanting a male’s option. I want Jordan to like it. I want him to think I’m sexy. Not just cute. But desirable.

“Don’t answer that question,” I hear a deep voice growl from behind me, making me jump. I teeter in my heels, thrown off balance, and start to fall, but strong arms wrap around me in a tight hold. I look up at Jordan, who has me pressed to his body, keeping me from falling right on my face. He looks a little mad. His lips turned down in a frown.

“Hi,” I whisper, and the frown on his face slowly slips away.

“You always look sexy,” he says, so quietly that I know it’s only for me to hear. I bite my lip as my cheeks burn. My heart does a flutter and I want to wrap my arms around his neck and have him brush his lips against mine again. I thought about it all night and want it again. Heck, I want more.

“My feet aren’t on the ground,” I finally say to him, becoming more and more aware of his tight grip on me. I like being in his arms. He makes me feel sexy and wanted. That he doesn’t want to let me go.

Jordan lets out a deep breath, and I slide down his body until my feet touch the tile floor but his arms don’t release me.

“Two o’clock, Jay,” I hear Mark say, and then I realize I’d forgotten where I was for a moment. Mark’s words snap me out of my daze, and I look to my right.

“Stein.” My eyes narrow. I wiggle from Jordan’s hold, and he reluctantly lets me go with a grunt.

“Get ’em,” Mark says with a chuckle in his voice.

“She’s not getting anyone.”

This time, Jordan’s words are loud enough for anyone around us to hear, but I don’t pay them any attention. I’ve been trying to get ahold of this man for weeks now. He’s not getting away.

“Mr. Stein!” I yell, not caring that we’re on the lobby floor with people coming and going. Nope, not this time. He is going to talk to me.

He freezes at my voice, looks over at me, shakes his head, and begins to walk faster. I bet you anything he came in early to grab something off his desk, hoping to avoid running into me.

“Mr. Stein!” I yell again, chasing after him. I hear a muffled curse from behind me. I walk even faster, but these heels are slowing me down. I trip once again, almost falling over my feet, but like the last time, Jordan catches me as Mr. Stein slips from the building.

“I need that man.” I point to him as if Jordan is going to chase him down for me and tackle him. I go to stomp my foot, but it seems I’m not standing on the floor again.

“I think maybe you should rephrase that.”

It’s then I realize what I said. “I need that man to do his job,” I correct. Jordan places me on my feet, and smiles. “He’s ignoring me, and it’s driving me crazy. I need the Lannister report.” I try to plead my case to Jordan, as if he even knows what the Lannister report is.

“I don’t think anyone could ignore you.” His words make all the anger and frustration I was feeling melt away so easily. He’s so sweet. I don’t think anyone can tell it by looking at him. He looks like he’d be rough around the edges, but he’s not. At least not with me. He’s the sweetest man I’ve ever met in my life.

“Do you think I look sexy?” I’m surprised at myself for what I just blurted out, and I drop my face into his chest, trying to hide what I’m sure is a cherry-red face.

“Do you really need me to answer that, little bird?”

“Little bird?” I ask, wondering what that means.

“You flit around from place to place. You remind me of a little blue jay. So smart and beautiful.”

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