Page 11 of Claimed (For Her 3)

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We sit quietly for a long time as evening turns to night, and then I know it’s time to take her home, but I don’t want to. This is the first time she’s shown me we can have more than friendship. I want to stay here all night, just sitting with her. Enjoying the moment for as long as I can because I know it’s going to be hard to leave her at her door.

“I’ll make sure you get home safe,” I say, still holding her hand and hailing down a cab.

I open the door for her and slide in after her. The drive isn’t too long, but she’s walked far enough in her heels today, and I know her feet probably ache. I would love to offer her a foot rub, but not tonight. I think I’ve pushed enough for one day. I don’t want to scare her off. Making her feel safe is more important than any need I have. Everything I do is for her. Her needs will always come before mine.

In the darkness of the cab, she leans over to me as we pull up outside her door. Her hand goes back to my chest, and I can feel her breath against my lips.

There’s heat between us, a passion that’s growing. It started as a small spark as friends, but the wind has changed, and there is a deep ember burning. I don’t want to smother it too soon. When I finally take her, there will be no stopping it. I fear my control will snap and that’s not something I want to push on her. I want her to want me as much as I want her but I’m not sure that will ever be possible. I don’t think my need has a limit or bounds.


Her tone holds so many questions, and I understand each one.

“You’re not the kind of woman that gets one night. You’re worth a lifetime.”

Her mouth opens a little at my words, and I lean down, brushing the softest kiss across her lips. It’s not even close to what I desire, but it’s enough for now. I lick my lips, wanting as much of a taste of her as I can get. Hoping it will be enough to get me through the night when I lie in bed alone thinking about her.

“Tomorrow,” I whisper and place my forehead against hers. “Now get out of the cab before I change my mind.” My voice is gruff and deeper than normal. I can hear my own need and have a touch of pain of having to let her go.

She smiles against my cheek as she places a soft kiss on the scar there.

As I watch her walk to her door and close it safely behind her, I touch the spot where her lips landed. She’s the first person I’ve ever let close enough to do that. And she’ll be the last.

Chapter Six


I turn from side to side, looking at myself in the mirror. I don’t normally spend a lot of time on picking out clothes for work. I go with comfortable and professional. But today my eyes keep going to a pair of heels I bought on a whim last year. I’ve never worn them before. They’ve been in my closet from the moment I brought them home. They were an impulse buy one day when I was walking by a store. I saw them in the window and fell in love, even though they were way too tall for me.

They would be nice for my date tonight, though. Maybe I could try to be a little sexier. I wanted him to kiss me so bad last night. It was all I thought about after I got home and lay in bed. Could I even count what we did in the cab as a kiss? It was so soft and fast that I didn’t have time to register what was happening. I run my fingers along my own lips, remembering how I kissed him on the cheek. It was bold and unlike me, but God I’d wanted my lips on him again.

I pick up the shoes and set them on the bed. They’re a bold red, and I don’t even know what to wear with them. I dig through my closet and stop when I see a black halter dress I wore to a party for work a few months back. I could pair it with a blazer, and tonight, when I get off work, I can just take the blazer off to look more date-night-ready.

After putting on light makeup, I brush my hair out and pin a glossy section to the side before sliding my glasses on. I grab my bag and phone and head for the door. I see the error of my ways before I even make it to the end of my street. My shoes are already pinching my feet, and I can feel blisters forming. I have a feeling I’m also walking a little funny and making myself look awkward—not exactly what I was trying to go for today.

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