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I click Detective Kelly’s number, but it goes right to voicemail. I hang up and wait for a few seconds before trying it again. Once again it clicks right to voicemail, so I decide to try Agent Mitchell instead of leaving a message.

“No answer?” Mandy asks as the elevator comes to a stop and the doors open into the lobby.

“No, I’m going to try Agent Mitchell,” I reply, punching his number.

“Agent Mitchell,” he says, answering on the first ring.

“This is Trey Addison,” I tell him, pushing the lobby door open and allowing Mandy to exit the building ahead of me. “We are just leaving the SEC office and I would like to get together with you and Detective Kelly. Mandy has a huge case file that’s very damaging to Tommy and…” Suddenly, a sharp searing pain shoots through the back of my neck as someone grabs me from behind. I hear Mandy scream, but when I try to turn my head I’m hit by another blast of searing pain.

“She didn’t want to hurt you or your brother, but neither of you can take a fucking hint,” someone with a strong Russian accent hisses in my ear. “Now I have to scramble your brains, too.”

“No!” Mandy screams. I can see out of the corner of my eye that someone is holding her hostage as well. God dammit, I can’t do a fucking thing about it. Where the hell is Anthony?

“Slide the file over to me!” the man behind me demands. “Now or he’s dead!” I feel another sharp pinch in the back of my neck.

I hear the file hit the concrete and a second later is the sound of it sliding toward us. He turns me toward Mandy, so now I can see a man behind her holding a gun between her shoulder blades.

“Let her go,” I tell the man. “I’m the one who has been pushing her to go after Tommy.”

“I do not know this Tommy,” my captor says. “But you both need to be erased, he says as his hand shifts and I once again feel a surge of pain in the back of my neck. A split second later, there is a thud and a warm spray of blood splats across the right side of my head.

“Uuugh!” the man behind me screams out, just as there is a second thud. I reach back pulling a syringe from my neck, just as the other man’s head explodes like a pumpkin that has been shot with a shotgun.

“My God!” Mandy screams, dropping to her knees and covering her head with her hands. I scramble over to her with the syringe still in my hand. Anthony and I both reach her at the same exact time.

“You’re okay,” Anthony tells her after giving the back of her head a quick once over. “How about you?” he asks, turning to me. He grabs my head, pushing my eyelids up and looking into my eyes. “I think you’re okay,” he says, before scurrying back to his feet and taking off after the guy who had attacked me.

I turn to see that my captor has disappeared, along with the manila envelope. An engine revs and the sound of squealing tires fills the air. I immediately know that he has gotten away and taken the case file with him. I turn to Mandy, putting my arms around her and squeezing her tightly. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

“I’m glad you’re okay too,” she replies with tears rolling down her cheeks. “Trey, are you all right?” she asks as spots begin to fill my eyes and everything begins to go dark.


“Trey! Trey! There is something wrong with him,” I yell to Anthony as he comes jogging back toward us.

“I was afraid of that,” he replies, but I wanted to see if I could catch that fucker. “I wanted to take him alive,” he says, glancing over at the other man who is missing a chunk of his head.

“Trey, can you hear me?” he asks loudly, slapping the side of Trey’s face. “Call 9-1-1 he instructs me. We aren’t close enough to anything, so we’re better off waiting for an ambulance.” He pulls the syringe from Trey’s hand and continues to try to get a response from him. “It’s either the toxin or else the needle itself did some damage,” he adds, wiping away the blood in an attempt to examine his neck.

“Holy fuck,” Trey moans, while his eyes begin to flutter rapidly.

“The ambulance is on the way,” I tell them, dropping the phone and taking Trey’s head in my hands. “You’re okay, just open your eyes,” I tell him, looking directly into them.

“Uugh, I don’t feel good,” he says turning to the side and expelling the contents of his stomach onto the concrete. “Oh, fuck, I feel weird.” He sits up and drops his face into his hands.

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