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I click to the messages on my phone and send Dad a quick text letting him know that everything is good and that we are going to meet with an SEC investigator. After sending it, I can’t help thinking about the way that Silvia was flirting with Crusher. I don’t think Dad would appreciate it if he saw how she was acting. I have kind of been hoping that those two would end up together. I think they would be good for each other.


My stomach turns over a bit as we approach a sign that says: SEC Regional Office. It’s weird to think that not long ago Mandy could’ve been coming here to dig up dirt on me. I’m glad things have turned out this way. She has a lot of tenacity; I wouldn’t want her on the opposing side of the table.

“I’m going to park here,” Anthony tells us, pulling into a one-hour parking spot close to the door. “You aren’t going to need more than an hour are you?”

“No,” Mandy tells him. “We will be in and out… twenty minutes tops.”

“Okay, I’ll wait here for you.” He opens the center console and pulls out a black plastic case. “I need to take care of a couple things.”

“Alright,” I respond. “We’ll be back in a bit.” I open the door and step down from the vehicle, reaching back for Mandy’s hand.

“You really are becoming a gentleman,” Mandy says, apparently impressed by my gesture.

“You suck up,” Anthony gives me shit as I close the door. I return an unapologetic look that says, I don’t want to be single for life, like you guys.

Mandy picks up the pace as she struts to the entrance and maintains her stride moving through the revolving door. She turns and heads straight to the elevator that will take us to her colleague.

“Have you been here before?” I ask, as the elevator doors close and the elevator hesitates for a couple seconds before slowly beginning its labored climb.

“Yes, I spent a couple days working here before going with you to Geneva,” she confirms, glancing down at her phone and reading a text message. “It’s Dad, I sent him a quick text earlier.”

“Did you warn him that he now has competition?” I ask her kiddingly.

“No. I don’t want to rile him up or he’ll show up at the door. He’s already chomping at the bit.” She laughs, shaking her head from side to side. “Silvia and Crusher still kill me. It’s about as likely as the Incredible Hulk dating Meryl Streep.”

“I’m not sure if Mom would be flattered or angry by you comparing her to Meryl Streep. I think she’s about fifteen years older,” I tease as the elevator stops and the doors open.

“I’m not saying she looks like her, oh forget it.” She hits me in the arm before exiting the elevator and heading straight to a woman sitting behind a large counter staring at a computer monitor. “I’m here to pick up a package that Vicky Sterling put together for me.”

“May I see your ID?” the woman asks curtly, staring at us over the top of her glasses.

“Sure, I’m Amanda Greyson,” she says, pulling her ID card from her wallet and handing it to the woman. “I’ve been here before. I normally work out of the San Francisco office.”

“Yeah, I thought you looked familiar,” the woman groans, struggling to rise from her chair. “Vicky is in a meeting, but she left this for you.” She plops a large manila envelope onto the desk with a thud. “There is a whole lotta stuff in there.”

“Thank you,” Mandy tells her. “And thank Vicky, too. Tell her I’ll be in touch.” She picks up the envelope and we proceed back out to the hallway. After pressing the elevator button, she unlatches the metal clasp and opens the flap of the envelope, peering inside. “Vicky feels there is a strong case against Tommy,” Mandy mutters after reading the first few lines of the enclosed cover letter.

“That’s actually what I was hoping you would find,” I reply, feeling a bit elated by the idea of taking Tommy to the woodshed. “It will make things much easier for the board of directors.”

“Vicky has all of the proposal documents which contain the falsified accounting. Apparently Bill dropped off a copy of them the day he died.” She looks up and gives me a pensive look. “So much for Tommy thinking that he shredded all of the evidence.”

“Alright, I’m going to give Detective Kelly a call and see if we can get together with he and Agent Mitchell,” I tell her as we begin our decent back to the lobby. “If Tommy found out that Bill was providing documentation to the SEC, that would’ve given him a direct motive to take him out.”

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