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“No, it’s straight off the rack. It’s part of a new line that I am developing with Nordstrom’s, designed for working women,” she says, with a proud smile.

“It fits you amazingly,” I add, reaching over to feel her lapel. “That must be really comfortable.”

“It’s comfortable, wrinkle-free and sells for about a third less than the one you are wearing,” she says in return. “Although, that one does look fantastic on you.”

“If I can get one like yours for a third less, I will do it in a heartbeat,” I tell her, still amazed by how it hugs her body perfectly. “Mine was custom fit based on my measurements, but I think yours actually fits better.”

“See guys,” Kate says, looking back and forth between Brandon and Jack. “Once women find out they can actually get clothes that fit them properly, the sky is the limit.” She pulls a business card out of her clutch and hands it to me. “You just send me your sizes and I’ll make sure that you are part of our test marketing campaign.”

“That would be great!” I love this girl already. Stuffing the card into my wallet, my attention turns to a more serious conversation that is emerging amongst the guys.

“If Anthony thinks you’re in real danger, I would definitely take it seriously,” Jack is telling Trey, which instantly grabs my ear. “I would trust him with my life any day of the week.”

“Thanks, Jack,” Anthony says, “At this point I’m just not exactly sure who we’re dealing with.” He pauses reflectively. “If it really is The Ghost, there might be a bigger agenda here than any of us can imagine.”

“Hopefully it turns out the same way that mine did,” Jack laughs. “I was convinced that Sau Ming was after me, but in the end it was a young punk named C.W. Jenkins. He was just smitten with Kate.” He gives her a sideways glance.

“I know C.W.,” Trey says with a laugh. “You’re really missing out on that one, Kate. He is definitely God’s gift to the female gender.”

“Oh, I know.” Kate replies with a cringe. “We went out one time and it was the worst date of my life. He was such a creep.”

“I’m thinking it might be a copycat in this case,” Anthony tells Jack, bringing a serious tone back to the conversation. “Someone who wants us to believe he’s The Ghost or is simply trying to emulate him.”

“I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t want anyone nicknamed The Ghost, chasing after me,” Kate says, placing her hand on my arm. “But Anthony will take care of him. You’ll have to ask one of the other guys about Anthony’s military record. He’s too modest to talk about it.”

“I don’t like to dwell on the past,” Anthony pipes up after hearing her comment. “I was there to protect my men and that’s what I did.” He gives us both a look that resembles that of a scolding father. “Now my job is to protect people like you, so that is where my focus lies.”

“Just know, he’s really kick ass,” Kate whispers in spite of his words. “You and Trey have nothing to worry about.”

“I totally agree with her,” Jack concurs, smiling and turning to Anthony. “Someday they will make a movie about you. In the meantime, lets order some breakfast.”


Talking with Jack and Brandon over breakfast, I’m beginning to wonder if I should take on a larger role at Addison Media. I have a feeling that Tommy’s days are numbered and even though I’m probably not qualified to be CEO I could at least play a more active role. The conversation evolves even further after giving them a thumbnail sketch of what went gone down with the Firefly Media debacle.

“Have you ever watched The Profit?” Jack asks. “He goes in and turns around companies that have good ideas but are failing for one reason or another.”

“Yeah, I’ve seen it. I think the majority of Tommy’s companies could use his services,” I reply jokingly.

“That’s what I’m saying,” Jack says with a nod. “If Addison Media gets involved, you can bring in someone who can turn companies around the way Marcus does. With Addison behind it and a decent host, the network would most likely pick it up again. If they don’t, you could still end up with a stable of growing companies.”

“It’s definitely something to think about,” I reply, feeling the first little twinge of entrepreneurial excitement that I have felt in a long while. “It would be a good way to bail out the Gleason’s. Otherwise, I have a feeling they will be screwed.”

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