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“I’m just glad he didn’t do anything more dramatic,” I reiterate. “Nana has nothing to do with anything, other than being related to us.”

“Okay… Romeo has left the airport in Belize City and is headed to the bank to see what he can dig up regarding Carly,” he says, reading a message on his phone. “Hopefully there is a young, naïve female teller that he can influence,” he adds with a chuckle.

“Anthony!” someone yells as we make our way into the lobby of the hotel.

“Jack,” Anthony replies after turning back and spotting him in the distance. “I’ll wait for you down here,” he tells me, before heading into the café to join Jack, Kate and Brandon. I remember him saying that this place is one of Jack’s favorite places.

I step into the elevator and Ozzy joins me, punching the button for our floor. “So is that guy your bodyguard or something?” he asks, giving me a look of suspicion.

“Yeah, things have been a little crazy lately so Jack Ryker suggested I hire him for a bit,” I reply, glancing over at him wondering what he’s thinking.

“I was reading about you online last night,” he admits pensively. “I’m sorry about your dad and your brother,” he adds with a somber look.

“Thanks, but my brother actually got out of the hospital yesterday,” I reply. “He still doesn’t have much of a memory, but at least he is up and moving around.”

“You know, I often feel jealous of the people who stay here, but at least I don’t have anyone trying to kill me,” he says with a chuckle as the elevator stops on our floor.

“Yeah, I’m hoping to get past this phase of my life fairly soon,” I tell him, waiting for the doors to open. “Have a good one,” I tell him, handing him a tip on my way out the door. Ozzy seems like a nice kid, but I have to wonder if that’s his real name. If so, it seems as if it might limit his career options.

I quietly enter the suite and sneak up behind Mandy while she is putting the finishing touches on her makeup. She is jamming to a song by KT Tunstall, so she doesn’t notice me until I’m right behind her.

“Jesus! You scared me,” she screams, jumping from her chair. “That’s mean, considering all that’s been going on lately.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry.” I pull her to me and wrap my arms around her. “I wasn’t thinking. You look great by the way.” She’s dressed in what I would call a sexy business suit, black with grey stripes, and a matching skirt that hits her just above the knee.

“We have to go to the regional SEC office this afternoon to pick up a case file they are building on Tommy,” she tells me with a broad smile. “Harris came through for me after all.”

“That’s great.” I give her another squeeze.

“Harris is slowly realizing that I’ll probably never come back,” she tells me, pulling back to gauge my reaction.

I smile at her and reach into the breast pocket of my suit and pull out an envelope with her name written upon it. “Guess what showed up last night?”

Her eyes light up upon seeing the Wells Fargo logo in the corner. “Our winnings?” She smiles and slides her fingernail along the seam, as the fold peels back it reveals a check with her name upon it. “Seven hundred and fifty thousand,” she says, shaking her head and staring at the numbers. “I can’t believe this is real.”

“It’s definitely real,” I assure her. “We’ll go deposit it after we have some breakfast. Anthony is waiting for us in the café along with Jack, Kate and Brandon. I think Kate is a couple years younger than you.” I can’t help but snicker at the thought.

“Hmm, that must say something about Jack,” she replies with a flutter of her eyebrows.

“That he’s rich and famous?” I ask, being a smartass.


Walking into the café to join Jack and the others, I am glad to be wearing a business suit instead of yoga pants. Jack and Brandon are both dressed in business suits, Kate looks just darling in a little business suit that must be a size zero. It fits her like a glove; it must have been custom fit for her.

“Dad and Kate, this is Trey and Mandy,” Brandon says, standing up to introduce us.

“It’s a pleasure,” Trey says shaking hands with both of them before taking an open seat next to Brandon.

“I just love your suit,” I tell Kate after greeting both her and Jack. “Did you have that custom fitted?”

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