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The pregnancy had been everything but easy. I had become as big as a whale almost overnight, as if my body had unbuckled as soon as we’d found out because there was no use in hiding it. I’d gone to work only a few short months longer before I had been ordered to bed rest. Brett had been there for me every step of the way, and my mom had moved in with us for a while to ensure that I was all right.

The babies had been born at twenty-nine weeks. Even though they had been born so early, they had been stronger and healthier than the doctors had expected. They had only been in intensive care for two short weeks before I had been allowed to bring them home.

When I had come home, Brett had surprised me with a nursery. He had remade the entire place while I had been in the hospital, and the room had six cribs and changing stations for our little angels. He had also hired a nanny to help out, and since the moment they had been home, my mom hadn’t been able to stay away.

I had cried when I had found out I was pregnant, sure that my life was over. Now, I was madly in love with my six-month-old miracle babies, and I couldn’t imagine a life without them. I knew it would be hard, but I had a wonderful team of people supporting me, and I knew I would always have them at my back. Brett was a wonderful father, and we would get through this. Like he told me all the time “no matter what.”

When the six of them were asleep, I tiptoed out of the room and lay down on the bed. I was exhausted. I had so much help, but taking care of six newborn babies was no joke. I closed my eyes and had just started drifting off when my phone rang. I grabbed it and answered as quickly as I could before my ringtone would wake up the kids.

“Is this a bad time for you?” Janine asked.

“Not at all, I can talk,” I said, lying back against the pillows. My heart hammered against my ribs after being ripped out of my sleep so quickly, but I answered every call from Janine.

“I need to finalize the seating chart with you so we can agree on the number of tables. I worked it out to eight people per table.”

“That sounds perfect,” I said. Janine was my wedding planner. Brett had proposed to me three months ago. He had taken me out on a date, and he had done everything by the book, all the way from the romantic restaurant to the ring in my champagne glass. We hadn’t been together for very long, but we had both known that we would spend our lives together.

“Are you sure you don’t want a head or sweetheart table?” Janine asked.

“Absolutely.” I didn’t want to be separated from all my guests, exalted as more important than the rest of them. Of course, on our wedding day we were the honored couple, but I wanted to be around my friends and family. We wouldn’t have been where we were now if it wasn’t for our friends and family, for the way they had supported us and taken care of us. I wanted to be right among them, celebrating our big day with them the same way they had celebrated our lives with us.

After I ended the call with Janine, my mom appeared in the door.

“Hi, honey. The doorman let me up. How are you doing?”

“I’m good, just tired,” I said, getting up to hug my mom.

“And the babies?”

“They’re asleep,” I said. “Josie is on her way.”

My mom smiled. “You’re blessed with such a great nanny.”

I nodded. Brett hadn’t rested until he had found someone he’d liked to take care of our babies. I walked with my mom to the nursery, and we looked down at my sleeping angels.

“Do you mind if I stay here tonight while the two of you are out? Spend some time with the babies?”

“Of course you can stay,” I said, smiling. My mom had come around completely. She had gone from the bitter, angry woman who hated men and the idea of falling pregnant to the loving grandmother who was always there for us.

Brett arrived a few minutes later.

“Are you ready?” he asked after he kissed me.

“I’ll be out in a few minutes,” I said, heading back to the bedroom. Brett walked to the nursery to check on the babies, and I knew he would be in there until I was ready.

I had been mostly dressed before I had lain down on the bed. It felt great to be able to fit into normal clothing again. I had to lose a bit of weight again, but Brett kept telling me that he loved my curves, even when I was a little bigger.

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