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“I’m fine. Worried about Mrs. Childs.”

Trace nodded, his gaze turning back to the elderly woman and Daisy. “I haven’t seen her move and Daisy has gone into protective mode, which is understandable but not helping at all. She’s not letting me close or reacting to my voice other than to growl at me.”

“Odd, considering she’s the size of a small horse.”

He gave her a small smile. His knowledge and skill with horses meant people brought their horses to him from all over the state.

“Let’s see what happens. Daisy.” She moved forward a little, hesitating when Daisy turned and snarled, showing off those impressive canines.

“What the fuck? Hey—”

Funny, that sounded a bit like Curt. Jeez, was she now imagining his voice?

“Stay back, sir,” Max stated. She pushed their voices to the background, focusing on Daisy.

“Hey, Daisy, remember me?” She held out her hand and moved a few more inches forward.

The dog let out a low woof, but she didn’t get the idea she was going to attack. But maybe she was just hopeful.

“Damn it, Jenna. Get back here. Now.”

Okay, that really did sound like Curt. She had to be completely losing it. He was back in Dallas, probably feeling relieved to not have to worry about her trying to jump him again.

“Daisy, I just need to check Mrs. Childs. All right? I’m not going to hurt her.”

Daisy growled when she got about a foot away. Jenna paused.

“Easy, Jenna. Nice and slow.”

She looked up to see Colin standing on the other side, holding a gun with a long thin barrel. She gulped.

“Don’t shoot her.”

“I won’t unless she makes a threatening move,” he promised. “I don’t want to do it any more than you do.”

“Damn it, shoot the—”

“Sir, no.”

There was a scuffling noise behind her and Daisy looked over and snarled menacingly.

“Stay back,” Jake said sharply. Daisy turned to him and growled.

“Will all of you please be quiet,” she said in a calm, non-threatening voice. “The next person who upsets Daisy is getting a rectal exam during their next checkup. And I won’t be gentle.”

“Vicious. That’s a side of you I haven’t seen before. I like it.” Colin winked at her, but his face remained serious, and his gaze returned quickly to Daisy.

“Come on, Daisy girl. Your owner doesn’t look too well. I just want to check on her, okay?”

She drew even closer, breathing a sigh of relief when Daisy didn’t snap. But she also didn’t move away from where she stood. Moving slowly, her hand shaking, Jenna reached out to check Mrs. Childs’s pulse.

“Okay, her pulse is steady, but she seems to be unconscious. Let me see if there’s a head injury.” She moved around to Mrs. Childs’s head. She could feel Daisy’s hot breath but she didn’t dare look up. What did they say? You shouldn’t look an angry dog in the eyes? Or was that wolves? Damned if she could remember what to do. She just went with whatever felt right and hoped like hell Daisy didn’t bite her.

“There’s a gash on the back of her head,” Jenna told everyone. “She’s been knocked unconscious, we need to get her to the hospital.”

“Jenna, you okay?”

Jenna heard Doctor Harper call out and she turned to look at him just as Daisy started barking. Her boss came to a stop, holding his hands up.

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