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Abby nodded. “I don’t know how they’re going to get Daisy to stand down.”

“Let me up, Max.” He shook his head. Damn, stubborn male.

“I’m not injured and I need to check on Mrs. Childs.”

“No one is getting near her right now.”

“Daisy likes me. She’s used to me checking and touching Mrs. Childs. I need to make sure she’s okay. She could have broken a hip or something.”

Max didn’t look happy but he nodded. Before she could move, he picked her up under the arms and set her on her feet, holding onto her for a few moments as her legs trembled, the adrenaline rush dying down. Once she was steady she gave him a nod.

He hovered close by as she moved, probably prepared to catch her if she collapsed. The crowd parted as she made her way to where Mrs. Childs lay on the ground outside the hair salon.

Daisy was standing over her, guarding her owner. She raised her lip, baring her teeth. Jenna hesitated.

Max placed his hand on the small of her back. “You okay?”

Damn it, Jenna. You’ve faced down armed terrorists and a big dog is going to get the best of you? Keep moving.

“Fine,” she told him briskly, moving forward. She ignored the stinging pain in her arms and the ache in her butt. Jake stood next to Trace Richards, who knelt a few feet away, speaking to Daisy in a calm voice. Everyone else kept a wide circle away from where Mrs. Childs lay on the pavement. Lila was on the phone. She turned, looking tense as Jenna, Savannah and Max approached.

“Stand next to Lila, Savannah,” Max ordered.

Savannah sighed but walked over to Lila, who smiled at her.

The sheriff turned with a scowl as Jenna slowly approached with Max. He walked over to them, running his gaze over her. “You okay, Jenna? I was just coming over to check on you.”

“I’m fine, just a few scratches. I need to check on Mrs. Childs though.”

It worried her that she hadn’t seen the elderly woman move yet.

Jake looked from Daisy to her with one eyebrow raised. “Try to tell Daisy that. Colin is on his way with a tranquilizer gun.”

She winced at the idea of them shooting Daisy.

“Let me have a go talking to her first. Daisy likes me.”

“Daisy likes everyone,” Jake said dryly, “but she’s not letting anyone near.”

“Just let me try. If she falls on Mrs. Childs once you tranquilize her, she could further injure her. I don’t like how still she is. She might need immediate medical attention.”

“Which is why I’ve called for an ambulance. You need to be checked over too,” Jake told her firmly.

“I’m fine,” she said impatiently, waving away his concerns. “Just let me try, Jake.”

He sighed then nodded. “Don’t get too close, and if she snaps at you then your ass is out of here, got me?”

“Fine. Fine.”

“Max, help Duncan keep everyone back and quiet, will you? Got to get some more deputies,” he muttered. “With Blake and Tare out with that stomach bug, we’re understaffed.”

“On it. You take care of Jenna.”

Jake nodded, and she bit back the reply that she could take care of herself. She liked that they watched out for her, even if they could be a bit overbearing.

She moved slowly forward then knelt beside Trace, trying to hide her wince as her whole body protested. Damn, she was going to feel that hard landing tonight.

“You okay, honey?” Trace asked with concern.

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