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“I think you better stay where you are,” she told him.

“We need to get her to the hospital, though,” Doctor Harper said. “How are we going to do that if we can’t get to her?”

Good question.

Just then, a siren came blasting from up the street. The ambulance. Shit. Jenna forced herself to stay calm and not tense up as Daisy barked loudly.

“Damn it,” Colin said over the noise. “I’m going to have to tranquilize her.”

Jenna reached up and, moving on instinct, started patting Daisy. “It’s okay, Daisy girl. It’s just people here to help Mrs. Childs. You want to see her get better, right?”

Amazingly, Daisy stopped barking. And then, miracle of miracle, she licked her. Right, on the face. Ick, doggy breath.

She heard someone laugh but when she looked around with a scowl they all looked serious. Sort of.

“Well, maybe not,” Colin said. “See if you can get a hold of her lead and pull her away.”

Jenna nodded and she gave Daisy another scratch then grabbed her tether and stood slowly. She swayed slightly, and Daisy pushed against her, sending her crashing over. There was a yell from someone, but that noise was quickly stifled. As she lay there, Daisy gave her another lick.

Jesus. Someone needs to give that dog a breath mint.

“Jenna, you okay?” She looked over as Colin slowly approached. She sat up and hugged Daisy as she gave a rumbling warning. “I’m all right. Just getting a bit tired of being knocked over.”

“Think it might be a good idea to get Daisy out of here. Hand me her lead, and I’ll take her to the vet clinic.”

She passed the leash to Colin, and he pulled Daisy away. The dog turned and barked, straining to get back to her. Her distress increased as paramedics rushed towards Mrs. Childs. A hand reached out towards Jenna, and she took it without thinking. Then a furious face filled her vision, and shock engulfed her.

“What the fuck did you think you were doing?” Curt demanded.

Chapter Five

Curt was beside himself with worry. He still couldn’t believe that everyone had just stood by and watched as Jenna approached a huge, snarling dog that had to damn near outweigh her. Even worse, when he’d tried to get to her, he’d been held back by a couple of idiot cowboys. He was still furious.

He hoped like hell he had broken the big one’s nose.

He pulled Jenna up, holding her steady while she swayed. First, he’d had to watch as she’d been shoved to the ground by that asshole who’d stolen the old lady’s handbag. Then, as Travis had raced off after the guy, he’d been left to park the truck and try to push through the crowd to get to her. By the time he’d reached her he’d been ready to kill someone and seeing her inch her way closer to that dog had sent his anger soaring.

“Don’t you ever, ever approach an angry dog like that again, you got me?

” he half-roared as he clasped her shoulders, glaring into her shocked face.

He knew he needed to rein in his anger. It had caught him by surprise, bursting through his control.

“Get your hands off her,” someone ordered, and he suddenly found himself shoved back.

He snarled as he turned and saw one of the cowboys who’d held him back earlier. The one whose nose he hadn’t punched. The other man gently pushed Jenna behind him, as though protecting her from Curt.

“Back for more?” Curt snarled. “Do you want what your friend got?”

“Just try it,” the cowboy snapped, moving towards him.

Bring it on. Eagerness filled him. This was just what he needed to get rid of the worry and anger riding him.

Jenna stepped between them. He moved instinctively, and grasping her around the waist, turned her so his back was to the cowboy. It opened him to attack, but at least Jenna was shielded by his body.

All that mattered was protecting her. Everyone else was the enemy.

“Curt! What’s going on?” she asked.

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