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His cock was so damned hard it felt like steel, so hot he wondered why he wasn’t blistered.

She stood there like an angel, wide-eyed, almost innocent. Her long hair lay around her shoulders and down her back, thick and heavy, darker with dampness. High, full breasts were topped with hard, reddened nipples. Her slender

waist and softly rounded hips led to smooth, creamy thighs and a patch of soft, dark blond curls to entice him.

He inhaled her scent again, growing nearly drunk on the smell of her arousal. It hit his head like a potent drug, almost making him dizzy as he tore his boots, then jeans from his body.

She just stood there, watching him. A damp sheen covered her shoulders; there was a single drop of water lying against her breast. Her nipples were peaked so hard they looked like ripe berries, sweet and ready for him to taste.

Another man had once touched her body, he thought with rabid fury. Had kissed her, stroked her. His scent no longer lingered on her, but Cabal clearly remembered a time when it had.

He needed that memory wiped away. He needed his scent to become so much a part of hers that when he smelled her sweetness, there were no lingering memories of any others taint ing her.

She was his. She carried his mark on her shoulder. Her scent was infused with the mating heat now, but soon, so soon, it would change. Her scent would meld with his, creating something different, something unique. She would be marked by him, into her very DNA. She would never escape him.

“I told you.” His voice was rough when he wished he could make it softer, gentler for her. “I own you.”

What did the tone of voice matter though, when stating such a harsh claim? he asked himself.

Her eyes narrowed as he faced her, naked and aroused.

“You wish you owned me,” she stated clearly, enraging the animal inside him. “No man owns me, Cabal.”

He reached her in a few long strides, his fingers sliding into her hair to grip her head and hold her still.

“You’re mine.”

“In your dreams.” Confidence and steely amusement glittered in her gray eyes. Damn her. She would never admit what he knew they were both well aware of. She belonged to him, there was no way her body could deny him.

His head lowered, his lips covering hers without preliminaries, sinking against the soft silk of them, his tongue pushing into her mouth to release the hormone that gathered in the glands beneath his tongue.

She took it, she took him. A little moan whispered into the kiss as her soft hands lifted to grip his biceps, as though she needed to hold on through the storm raging between them.

“Deny it now,” he bit out harshly as his lips lifted just enough to allow her to speak.

“My body can’t deny you, Cabal,” she stated, her voice husky with arousal now. “That’s all you own. And its probably all you’ll ever own.”

There was an edge of bitterness in her voice that bothered him, a faint sadness. It reminded him of her attempt to curl into his arms that morning, and his rush to escape the swirl of emotions that had swept through him.

His fingers tightened in her hair. Soft, dark blond lashes drifted over her eyes in pleasure as he did so. She was so easy to pleasure, he thought. Each touch he had given her the night before had had her turning to him with eager need. With hunger.

His cock throbbed at the thought. That unruly organ was insistent that he take her again, now. Preliminaries be damned. To spread her thighs, grip her ass and push hard and deep inside her.

“Cabal.” She whispered his name as he realized his hand was cupping her ass, his fingers only scant inches from the dew-soaked folds of her pussy. And he was lifting her to him.

“I need.” His eyes closed as he tried to block out the need he heard in his words and saw in her eyes. The need for more than just this.

This being him, lifting her, bracing her against the wall as he shifted them to the side, spreading her thighs, tucking the head of his cock into the slick, hot folds of her sex.

“I wanted to give you more.” The words tore from him as he pressed inside her. Slowly.

Ah hell. It was so fucking good. A heated silken glove enclosed his tortured flesh, stroking it with pleasure, rippling over it with hungry demand.

He braced his feet apart, his hands tightened on the globes of her ass as he pressed deeper and growled with the sensations of not just his own pleasure, but hers as well. He could feel the silken muscles tightening, gripping around him as her sharp little nails bit into his shoulders.

He felt her legs wrap around his hips, gripping him as he surged those final inches inside the heated, ecstatic grip of her hot little pussy.

“You make me crazy.” He nipped at her jaw as he forced himself to still inside her, to luxuriate in the pleasure.

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