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“It’s no mistake,” Cabal snarled. “He’s been in a Breed organized prison since his recuperation. That was his choice. That or death. He chose the prison. He wasn’t given the option of informing the woman he’d continually lied to.”

He heard Jonas breathe out heavily. “Very well. For now, we can play this your way. The day may come though that the game shifts. What will you do then?”

“She is my mate.” His voice was clipped, cold. “He has no hold on her that I can’t top. Period. If that day ever comes, then I’ll deal with the choice I made. Until then, fuck the bastard. I only wish he were in more pain.”

He was paralyzed from the hips down. There was no sensation in his legs, or in other areas that had been important to Watts. Confined as he was in a high-security overseas prison created and manned by Breeds, there wasn’t much chance of Cassa ever learning the truth.

“I just hope you know what the hell you’re doing, my friend,” Jonas stated, his tone concerned now. “She’s a good woman.”

“She allowed the man she loved to use her,” he growled. “He used her to kill, to maim, and he received pay for it. She should have chosen more wisely.”

A part of him protested the statement he’d made. The human part, he decided. The weaker part. That internal voice was forever harassing him where she was concerned. His conscience? Hell, he thought he’d killed the fucker years ago.

“Perhaps she should have.” It didn’t really sound like an agreement; it sounded more like a chastisement, and not of Cassa.

Cabal tightened his lips, refusing to argue the matter further. It was a done deal. Douglas Watts was no more than a shadow of himself that existed in a hellhole of a prison. There were no televisions, video games or computers. There were few comforts. The food wasn’t too bad, unless you were used to better.

Sucked to be Watts.

“I have things to do, Jonas,” Cabal finally stated harshly. “If this was all you wanted, then you’re wasting my time.”

“I have no doubt.” The heavy mockery pricked at Cabal’s temper. “Take care of your mate then, Bengal. Give me a report whenever you have one.”

“Until then you can get your report from Rule or Lawe,” Cabal snapped. “Since they’re obviously not here just to see the sights.”

“They’re not mated,” Jonas said quietly. “Their heads are still clear, Cabal. And that’s what I need. Enforcers with clear heads. Remember that.”

Jonas disconnected before Cabal could tell him to get fucked. But one thing the director had done was to remind him of the fact that mating Cassa, tying her completely to him, was of the utmost importance.

If she ever learned about Watts, she might be a little upset. He didn’t want to have to do without one of the few benefits that came from mating heat. Especially the one that put her screaming in pleasure beneath him.

He’d deal later with Rule and Lawe sticking their noses into his business. For the moment, there was the scent of his mate in the shower, the smell of feminine cleanliness and sweet, hot woman.

She was aroused. The mating heat was building inside her. She could take the hormone treatments until hell froze over, but it wasn’t going to cure the effects of his kiss, his touch. She should know that by now. Nothing could combat that, though the scientists were still trying.

Unfortunately, they couldn’t hide mating heat forever. There would be a day—and it was coming soon, Cabal knew—that the world would learn about mating heat, just as it had learned about the Breeds to begin with.

It had been more than ten years, closer to twelve, since Callan Lyons, the alpha leader of the Feline Breeds, had mated his wife, Merinus. Neither Callan nor Merinus had aged appreciably since then. Doctors had determined that their bodies had aged merely one year in all that time. Their bodies’ aging process had slowed down dramatically, and from all the scientists had learned, especially since the first Leo’s appearance with his own mate, it seemed that the aging process would remain incredibly slow for years to come.

The first Leo was over a hundred years old, as was his mate. They both appeared no older than their late thirties, and their bodies were in peak condition.

Mating heat could become the Breeds’ worst enemy if the public at large learned of it. For now though, it was the greatest pleasure Cabal had ever known in his life. His emotions were in chaos, hell if he knew what to do with them, but he knew that nothing in this world or any other could be as good as touching his mate.

He strode to the door, slid the key card through the security lock, waited for the light to turn green, then twisted the door latch.

The door swung open, and he was confronted with a sight that made the blood in his veins boil with lust.

His mate. His woman. And she was beautifully, splendidly naked as she froze in place, just outside the bathroom door.

Cabal now felt the heat rising inside his body like an inferno. How the hell was he supposed to stay sane, to keep his head straight, when the sight of her bare body made him dizzy with fucking lust?

Maybe having Rule and Lawe here wouldn’t be a bad idea after all, he thought, as he tore off his jacket.

The denim material dropped to the floor as he watched her eyes widen.

“Don’t you dare move,” he growled as she started to step back into the bathroom. “For both our sakes, Cassa. Stay still.”

He swore he could feel a ringing in his ears as he tore off his T-shirt before turning his attention to loosening the material of his jeans.

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