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“We need to find out where she’s at, and figure out what connects us. Hope and myself I understand. We’re mates to two of the most powerful Wolf breeds alive. But notice the Feline Breed’s Alpha mate isn’t in there. Merinus, I believe. Nor her children. There are three now. None of the Felines are featured, so for at least this group of Coyotes, the focus was Wolf Breeds. I need to contact Wolfe and make him aware of the danger to Hope. ”

Jacob was staring down at the list and the small drawings beside each.

“Did you recognize the codes on here, Faith?” he asked her slowly, his eyes raising.

She walked over to him, staring down at the list, frowning. It took a few moments to place them.

“Fertility codes,” she murmured, remembering those that had been set up at the Labs when the tests on Hope and Wolfe had occurred.

“Fertility is most possible when the female is in heat,” Jacob reminded her. “According to these codes, Hope’s is at the lowest mark, yours is at the highest, with the other two in between. ”

“But you have to be mated to go into heat. ” Faith shook her head in confusion. “That makes no sense, Jacob. Charity Dunmore and Honor Roberts aren’t breeds and shouldn’t be mated with any of our males. Why would they be on the list?”

“Unless they were, as you and Hope, slated for a mating somehow. ” Jacob frowned as he looked up at her. “Wasn’t there some suspicion of such tests that came out during the Genetics hearings, during the days of our escape?”

There had been. Records that had been uncovered from several high level Genetics scientists that hinted at experiments delving into reversing the genetic code that would prevent the various breeds from multiplying. Nature it seemed, had only aided them in the genetic anomalies that had begun taking place in both the males and females since their first conception.

“General Roberts ordered a lot of those tests,” Faith sighed. “Just from the data I’ve been able to gather myself, we were headed for extinction if he had his way. He thought any children we could have would be easier to control. ”

He considered the Breeds sub-human, that had been no secret. Assassins without conscience, without a need for warmth or life. They had been pawns in his grand schemes of power. He and Bainesmith had been a perfect pair.

“We need to contact Wolfe; he has to know about this, as well as the other Packs and the Feline Pride. We could just be looking at the tip of the iceberg here. ”

“Finding out why those women are targeted will be the hard part,” Stygian said as he stepped into the room, followed by several other Enforcers bearing electronics.

Within minutes, a laptop was set up awaiting Faith’s attention, the satellite connection showing full reception and privacy.

“How secure are we here?” Faith questioned as she sat down in a chair in front of the computer.

“Only Pack territory is safer. ” Jacob shrugged. “This is our base for this side of the mountains. Stygian is calling in several nearby Packs for added protection. But we won’t be here long. We’ll be heading back to Wolfe’s territory soon. ”

As Alpha female of all Packs, Hope’s safety and that of any babe she would conceive was of the utmost importance. They couldn’t risk her life. The Enforcers would be gathering around her until the threat was eliminated.

“How soon do we move?” She clipped her headset into the cell phone at her waist. There would be a lot of work to do to get the information needed. To get any of it.

“Within days, with any luck. ” Jacob was already keying numbers into the cell phone he carried. “See what you can find out for now. Any information we can dig up can only help us at this point. ”

* * * * *

There wasn’t much to find, but what did come through in the next hours was terrifying. Already, two Wolf Breed females had fallen to attackers in the past month. Thankfully, neither had died, but they weren’t unscarred, either. Both females were unmated though, and had not gone into heat. Both women had been raped.

Faith trembled in fury at that knowledge. Damn the bastards, they never cared what horrors they created for others with their depravities. They had no conscience, and no sense of shame. They were merciless in their disregard of the lives they had created.

Faith put out a world wide alert to all the known Packs. She sat hunched over the computer for hours, working to alert those that she could and attempting to draw in more information. They needed to know why the Council was striking once again, and for what reason.

The Feline Pride was on heightened alert already after an attempted kidnapping of Callan and Merinus’ first-born child several weeks before. Tanner, the Pride Liaison, spoke directly to Faith,

and she could hear the fury in his voice. His own mate had just given birth the past year to twins, and his worry was reflected in the cold, hard edge of savagery in his voice as he spoke of the attempt.

“The Council is at it again, Faith,” he said with brutal effect. “The bastards won’t stop until we kill them, and Callan refuses to allow an order to take them out before they strike. ”

“Callan’s right, Tanner,” she told him wearily. “Right now, our position within world favor is too tenuous. ”

“Fuck world favor,” he growled savagely. “These are our babes and our women we’re speaking of. The world doesn’t care if they survive, or if we do, or how. ”

There was many times that Faith agreed with him. After relaying the rest of her own information, she disconnected the call, and went back to the arduous task of contacting as many informants as possible. There had to be answers somewhere, she thought bleakly.

“What’s going on?” Faith shook her head as she stared at yet another Internet transmission from an informant a long while later.

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