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Which wasn’t satisfactory. Before Jacob could reprimand him, Faith moved.

The bigger they were, the less they expected from a small, puny woman. He blocked her intended blow, so he wasn’t watching her feet. Her legs tangled with his, throwing him off balance as she slid her legs expertly out of the way, pushed firmly and watched him fall. As he landed on his back, she planted her foot firmly at his crotch.

Had she been the enemy, he would have taken her then. But had he been her enemy, he would have already lost his balls, and then his throat.

Jacob cursed behind her.

“I’m smaller, and he’s the asshole that left his mate for six years to play jungle tramp. He might not like it, and you might be under the impression you can follow suit. But I am still your Alpha. ”

Stygian shuddered, but not from fear. Deep, hard chuckles welled in his throat and shook his body as his hands reached out. He grabbed her ankle. Faith twisted in his grip, executed a flip and landed in a crouch several feet from him.

“Damn. Boss, she’s a live one. ” He came to his feet, facing her as Faith stood to her full height. Which she admitted wasn’t much when standing next to Stygian.

“That she is,” Jacob growled in warning and a measure of respect she hadn’t heard in his voice before this.

“I don’t need your help now,” she bit out, staring at him furiously.

“No, you took care of it yourself, but it was me who should have been on my ass again,” he sighed wearily. “I have a laptop and satellite connection in the house. I’ll show you everything you need. You’re right. You proved your place tonight, I shouldn’t have let my anger and worry for you get the best of me. ”

Shock held her still, silent.

“Damn. The boss just apologized,” Stygian sniggered, his voice filled with mock incredulity.

“And you’re next. ” Faith turned on him with a feral growl.

He stepped back in surprise.

“Damned right I am. ” Stygian nodded respectfully then. “It won’t happen again, B. A. ”

Faith frowned. “B. A. ?”

“Bad ass!” His head gave a sharp jerk of exclamation. “Damn, you don’t just look fine, but you move like lightning. Welcome to the Pack. ”

Chapter Twenty-Three

They finally ended up back in the living room, where Jacob hit the switch that closed dark shades over each window and left the interior gloomy, intimate.

“Now, we have a problem. ” Jacob’s voice was hard, cold as he flipped the four small, glossy photos down on the coffee table. “My mission has nothing to do with these women. And I think we’ve just established that those Coyotes were after you, not me. ”

Faith sighed wearily as she collapsed on the couch, staring down at the small picture of herself. It was one that had been taken six years before, during their time in the Labs. Hope’s was only slightly older. The other two she wasn’t certain of.

“Why?” She shook her head in confusion. “If they wanted me, they had a better chance of it before I came here. How many Enforcers do you have? Are there enough to cover the other two women, if we can find them?”

“I have enough, if I pull in the other packs close by,” he told her. “Do you think you can find the other two women? I can get started on my connections, but we’ll move faster with both of us working. ”

She pulled the comm. link off her head, but tucked the revolver into the back of her jeans. It should have looked out of place, awkward on her, but the gesture bespoke a quiet confidence, a strength he had never thought of her having. Faith was to be protected; that she was unable to protect herself had always been his fears. Seeing differently shook him a bit, he had to admit. She shouldn’t have to defend herself. Shouldn’t have to live a life that required it.

“I can get started as soon as Stygian gets here with the equipment. ” She shrugged, though Jacob could see that nerves and weariness were tugging at her.

“We need to get some answers fast,” he bit out. “Those bastards were after you tonight. A risky move, even for Coyotes. They’ve never attempted to steal a female back from the Pack, or target one specifically. ”

“Its not just the Breed females they are after,” Faith reminded him. “Hope is human, and so are the other two, if memory serves me right. And they were all associated with our birth Lab. ”

Jacob knelt by the coffee table.

“Charity Dunmore and Honor Roberts. ” He frowned as he stared down at the two women. “Charity is human. She was a technician at the Lab right before it went to hell. Remember? Honor Roberts, is Honor Christine Roberts, the daughter of one of the higher members of the Council. Last we heard of her, she was still in school when all this happened. She disappeared from sight just after her father was imprisoned. ”

She knew this as well as he did. Her arms crossed over her chest, her hands rubbing at them as though to warm herself.

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