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“Just remember to keep enough distance between you and others to keep them from accidentally touching you. You know the reporters. You’ve dealt with them before. You know how to work them. Everything’s going to be fine. ”

Everything was going to be fine.

“Cabal will be keeping watch from outside,” he continued. “David is secure in Callan and Merinus’s suite. There are about two hundred guests; none are known associates of your fathers or the Council’s, but they’re influential in politics and financial affairs. The reporters are well respected and known for their impartiality where the Breeds are concerned. ”

“I’ll be fine. ” She was assuring them both.

She lifted her chin, reminding herself that she had done this countless times in other settings without so much as a twinge of nerves.

Tanner’s hand rode low on her back as they left the suite and moved to the wide, curving staircase that led to the crowded foyer and ballroom. Breed Enforcers were en masse, stationed with silent watchfulness every few feet up the stairs. Below, they had positioned themselves at the doors leading into the house and the ballroom, as well as the other rooms that led off the foyer. Only the ballroom was open. All other doors had been closed and carefully locked.

The ballroom doors were thrown open, and she knew the French doors leading into the gardens beyond would be open, allowing the guests to wander out for fresh air in the heavily secured and well-lit gardens.

No sooner had they stepped from the stairway into the foyer than the three reporters invited were striding toward them. Cassa Hawkins was a reporter and newcaster for INS, the International News Service; Joel Briggins from CNN was there, as well as Philippe Augustan of ENI, Euro-News International. Each reporter had his or her own cameraman following behind. The small recording devices normally uploaded their video feed live to the stations, but with the communications blackout at Sanctuary at the moment, they were on record only, to be uploaded after Jonas had previewed each disc.

“Scheme, you don’t look drugged to me. ” Cassa Hawkins made a little moue of disappointment as she stepped past the Breed Enforcer that had stepped closer as they entered the foyer.

Cassa was in her thirties, cool and polished. A natural blonde with steady gray eyes and porcelain skin. She could be amusing but frighteningly sharp.

“Of course I am, Cassa. ” Scheme smiled as Tanner tucked her hand into the curve of his arm and glared at the reporters. “Tanner can be quite addictive in certain areas. ”

They had no clue how addictive.

Cassa’s agreeable laughter was soft, but her eyes missed nothing. Not Tanner’s good looks or the way he seemed to hover over Scheme protectively.

“He could be indeed,” she agreed. “Do you think

he would allow us a few moments alone? He’s glaring at me, you know. ”

And he was. Glaring at her and the camerman behind her.

“Tanner, I’ll be fine. ” She slid her hand from his arm and glanced around. “There are enough enforcers here to fight a small war. And I could use a drink if you don’t mind. ”

His amber eyes gleamed down at her, rich with amusement and a shade of disapproval.

“I won’t be far,” he promised her, warned the others.

“He’s very protective,” Cassa said softly as Tanner moved to Sherra, resplendent in a smoky gown as she stood beside her husband, Kane Tyler.

“He’s had reason to be. ” Scheme let her gaze harden as she stared back at the reporter, then her cameraman, before moving back to Cassa. “Turn him off. ”

Cassa sighed. “Go get a drink, Monty, and some nice shots of the party. ”

Monty mumbled and moved away before Scheme turned to the other two reporters. “Sorry, guys. ” She smiled. “Girl talk. Can we chat later?”

The promise to chat later had them smiling agreeably, if suspiciously, before moving away.

“General Tallant is frothing at the mouth,” Cassa said as Scheme led her to the far end of the foyer with a small indication to the enforcers to keep others at bay. “And word is that the pure blood societies are arming to attack any Breed they come across. ”

“They do anyway. ” Scheme sighed. “Now let me ask you something, Cassa. Whose side are you on?”

“The truth. ” The answer was given without hesitation. And Scheme believed her. Cassa was a fanatic about the truth. It had nearly cost her her job and her life on more than one occasion.

“Excellent. ” Scheme stared back at her in focused determination. “You and I have talked often in the past. Do you believe General Tallant, or what you see now?”

Cassa’s lips twitched. “Honey, I doubt the devil himself could brainwash you. So why don’t you tell me what’s going on and if the rumors are true that General Tallant is fighting to keep the skeletons in the closet, or just his little girl close to his side. And if it’s okay with you, let my cameraman back in here. ”

The last was said with subtle mockery. Cassa wanted an exclusive, but she was willing to play nice with it.

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