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“’Cause you don’t have any,” she gasped.

“Maybe. ” He had to fight to breathe. To keep from taking her hard, fast. To work his cock inside her with slow, steady thrusts, a little deeper each time, feeling her shift, lift, her legs wrapping around his hips as her hands smoothed over his shoulders.

Why had he never taken her like this before? he wondered. In this big overstuffed chair, on his knees before her, watching as each inch of his erection possessed her. It was the most erotic sight of his life.

“Tanner, I’m dying. ” She was panting.

“In a minute. ”

He knew her need for release was escalating rapidly. Each slow thrust inside her and she was tightening further on him, her inner muscles caressing him, drawing him deeper into the vortex of need that threatened to consume him.

“Now. ” She tightened again, flexed, rippled, and he had to grind his teeth to keep from coming for her then and there.

“Naughty Scheme,” he grated out, clenching his teeth to hold back.

But he couldn’t resist moving inside her harder, faster. The pleasure was like a whirlpool sucking him in. His eyes lifted from where he was pressing inside her to meet her gaze. Melting chocolate. That’s what her eyes reminded him of. Hot, rich, glittering with the hunger and need as her hand lifted to his face.

“All my life,” she gasped. “All my life, I’ve prayed for you. ”

“All my life, I’ve loved you. ” He bent to her, taking her lips with his, giving her the spicy, erotic taste of his kiss and sharing the burning need threatening to sear his nerve endings.

Nothing mattered now but stilling those flames. Taking the kiss deeper, letting it get wilder as he began to thrust powerfully between her thighs, taking her cries as his own and throwing them both into the tempest racing through them.

He felt her orgasm first. The steady tightening, the tension building until she bucked beneath him, screaming into his lips as her nails dug into his back. Then he gave in to his own, tearing his lips from hers to throw his head back, a primal snarl leaving his chest as his semen pulsed from his cock and the barb became painfully erect, locking him inside her, stealing his mind.

He felt reborn within her. Renewed. Locked inside her, spilling his seed into the heated depths as he spilled his soul into hers. His head lowered, a growl rumbling in his throat as he locked his incisors into the mating mark he had given her at the caves.

She cried out again, spasmed around his cock, and spilled more of the sweet release that he knew was his alone. Just his. His mate. His woman.

Moments later, he collapsed against her, sweating, panting, drawing her against him as his tongue lapped at the wound on her shoulder and his senses filled with the taste and scent of her.

This was what he lived for now. Not revenge or hatred, but this. For love. For Scheme.


Scheme hadn’t expected that the Breeds would ever throw a party such as the one she prepared for the next night. Of course, the fact that there were several reporters there to report on the “engagement” of Tanner Reynolds and Scheme Tallant had nothing to do with it. The only thing missing inside the opulent mansion was the news crews parked outside the iron gates of Sanctuary’s main entrance.

She hadn’t expected this. When Tanner had said “party,” she had assumed he meant some sort of small event. Just the main families within the estate house, not the guests that had arrived in heli-jets for the past few hours.

Of course, she should have known better. This was what she would have done herself to counter General Tallant’s accusations. And they had grown in the past twenty-four hours.

Her father was frightened. She had seen it in his eyes in the last news interview. He was terrified of what she was going to say, what she was going to do. What proof she might have of his actions. And she had plenty. Proof that she knew Jonas was now downloading from the secured site she had been storing it on over the years. Her insurance, she had always called it, just in case she needed it.

As she swept her hair into a fashionable twist, she met her own gaze in the mirror and nearly flinched at the grief in her eyes. Why should she feel grief that the monster that had haunted her living nightmare would soon be falling? It wasn’t as though he had been a loving father.

In his eyes though, he had been, and she knew that. Her father was a psychopath of the worst sort. He believed in what he was doing with total conviction. He believed he had done the best by his daughter—the daughter betraying him in what he considered the most heinous matter.

He had killed her mother, and Scheme knew he would have killed her given the chance. He would have done it with love in his heart and belief in his soul that he was saving the world.

She shook her head at the thought before securing the last pin in her hair and surveying her image carefully. She was known for her scarlet dresses, and she wore one now. Scarlet silk with a daring slit cut to the thigh and black stockings peeking through. The silk swept over her curves and molded her breasts before the straps tightened at her shoulders and crisscrossed behind her back.

Having checked her makeup one last time, she slid her stocking feet into scarlet pumps, picked up the little evening bag that matched her stockings and left the bathroom.

“Ready?” Dressed in a tux and looking sexier than any man or Breed had a right to, Tanner rose from his seat at the bottom of the bed, his gaze moving over her with slow appreciation.

“You look good enough to eat. ”

“I’m nervous as hell. ” Her skin was sensitized, warning her that the mating heat was playing hell with the nerves, as Ely had warned her it would.

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