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There was a brief pause and then they moved towards each other at the same time. Her arms were round his neck, his hands in her hair, their mouths hungry for each other as they kissed.

His mouth on hers, Lucas groaned deep in his throat. ‘I promised myself that I wasn’t going to do this again.’

‘Then I’m so glad you’re breaking your promise.’

He lifted his head but his hand remained locked in her hair as if he couldn’t quite bring himself to let her go. ‘It’s wrong of me. Selfish.’

‘No—’ Standing on tiptoe and lifting her face to his, she breathed the word against his lips. ‘It can’t be selfish if I want it too, and I do want it, Lucas. I want you.’ Bold now, she traced his lips with her tongue and he gave up the fight, cupped her face and kissed her back, taking everything she was offering and demanding more. And the kiss was everything she remembered. He kissed with skill and assurance but this time she was determined that he should know this was her choice. That he was her choice. So she placed her hand in the centre of his chest and pushed him off balance. He fell back onto the bed and before he had a chance to recover Emma straddled him, pinning his arms above his head, smiling at his stunned expression.

‘Forty-eight hours ago you were a blushing, shy, inexperienced woman.’

‘So? I have a lot of time to make up for. Now be quiet and kiss me the way you kissed me the other night—’ She brushed her mouth over his and he captured her face in her hands before sliding his hands down her bare back.

‘The dress is beautiful but it has to come off.’

Smiling, she released his hands and sat up, carefully drawing the dress over her head. ‘Seems a shame to take it off.’

‘It’s not a shame from where I’m lying.’

The dress slid in a slippery heap to the floor and suddenly she was back in his arms and his mouth was hungry on hers. Her hands tore at his clothes, impatiently stripping away jacket and shirt until he was naked too, until there was nothing between them except feelings and the truth. His eyes were fierce but she knew hers would be too because she wanted this every bit as much as he did. Perhaps she’d always wanted it, from the moment she’d walked into his office on that first day and seen him lounging behind his desk, remote and untouchable.

This time it was slow, where last time it had been fast. Every thing stretched out, the intensity of it as agonizing as the anticipation.

Her mouth roamed over him and she heard his breathing change and felt powerful and desirable as she discovered how her touch affected him, how the stroke of her hands could drive him wild, how the flick of her tongue had him reaching for her. And he let her explore, until finally he could stand it no longer and closed his hands over her hips, shifting her above him in a sure movement that brought her into contact with the heat of his arousal.

Emma held her breath as she took him into her, felt the power and the fullness and then there was nothing but the rhythm and the incredible need that consumed both of them as they surrendered to it. Still holding her, he drove himself deep and she groaned his name against his lips, holding back the words that she so desperately wanted to say, knowing that honesty would ruin the moment. None of that mattered. Nothing mattered. Not the future nor the past, just the present and she gave in to that and allowed it to take her until they hit the same peak. They kissed their way through it, sharing all of it until she thought she’d die from the pleasure.

Lucas lay still, holding her, wondering why he had no desire to just get up and leave as he usually did.

‘What was her name?’ Her voice was soft in the darkness and what surprised him wasn’t the question, which he understood immediately, but the fact that he wanted to answer.

‘Elizabeth. I named her after my father’s mother. Her great-grandmother. I liked to think that had she still been alive perhaps she would have done the decent thing and recognised her granddaughter. Either way, I wanted Elizabeth to know who she was and be proud of it.’

‘I like that. He refused to acknowledge you but you created the link anyway.’ Her arms tightened around him as she showed her approval. ‘It’s a pretty name.’ There was a moment’s silence and then she held him tighter. ‘I know you don’t want to talk about your daughter, but whatever happened I know it wasn’t your fault. You are so wrong to blame yourself.’

‘You’re making that judgement without knowing the facts.’

‘I may not know the facts, but I know you. I know it wasn’t your fault. I know you would have done whatever could have been done.’

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