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Then she was doing better than he was because he didn’t know that at all. ‘So were you dancing with Carlo because you wanted to or because you wanted to prove to me that what we shared hasn’t affected our relationship?’

‘Does it even matter?’ She looked back towards the tent, leaving him with only a glimpse of her profile and the curve of her dark eyelashes.

‘You should be careful around Carlo.’

‘Oh for goodness’ sake, Lucas—he’s the Ferraras’ lawyer. I’ve spoken to him a few times on the phone when he’s called the office and he is a really nice guy.’

‘Based on what evidence? Because he’s good-looking? Because he’s charming? You’re not exactly an experienced judge given the number of relationships you’ve had in your life.’

This time she looked at him with eyes that questioned his sanity. ‘Carlo grew up with the Ferrara brothers. They are lifelong friends, so presumably they see admirable qualities in him. I suppose the way we feel about people is coloured by our own experience. Perhaps you’re too harsh a judge and no one would blame you for that given your background.’

‘Perhaps you’re naïve.’

‘I was dancing with him, not proclaiming undying love. Don’t you think you might be overreacting?’

Overreacting? Lucas dragged his hand over the back of his neck. ‘Maybe I can read his mind better than you can. He’s a red-blooded male.’

‘Even if you’re right about that, why would it matter to you? You’ve made it clear that you want our relationship to stay professional and nothing else so actually it’s irrelevant. You don’t have to watch out for me. That isn’t your role.’ She paused as a couple walked past them, arm in arm, and then lowered her voice. ‘We agreed not to talk about this and we certainly shouldn’t be talking about it here.’

‘Good point. So let’s go somewhere we won’t be disturbed.’ Knowing that he was acting irrationally, Lucas closed his hand around her wrist again and drew her along the path towards the hotel, walking so fast she almost stumbled.

‘For goodness’ sake, Lucas, you can’t just leave! There are people hovering waiting to talk to you.’

‘I don’t care.’

‘You are not making this easy.’

‘I don’t care about that either.’

‘Where are we going?’

‘Somewhere private. Somewhere we can talk without an audience.’

She’d never seen him like this before. They were at a side entrance to the hotel and, barely pausing, Lucas swiped a card through a scanner and the doors opened.

And Emma saw immediately that they were back in the Presidential Suite but this time via a private entrance that led straight onto the beach.

The doors purred closed behind them and she waited for him to release her but instead he kept his fingers locked firmly around her wrist as he strode into the living room.

She wondered if she ought to point out that he was breaking his own rule. ‘Lucas, we really ought to—’

‘Maybe you’ll push him too far, have you thought of that?’ His tone was raw and savage. ‘Maybe he seems like a decent human being until circumstances turn him into something else.’

Emma blinked, confused, and then realised that he was no longer talking about Carlo, he was talking about himself. About what had happened between them two nights before and her breathing jammed because she’d been trying so hard not to think about it. ‘Lucas—’

‘And when that happens, maybe you won’t spot the signals, because you didn’t spot them with me, did you? You didn’t know when to back off. You could have left. You should have left. But you didn’t. And then—you couldn’t stop me, could you?’ His tone was thickened and the breath caught in her throat because she could see that he was on the edge and she’d had no idea that his feelings were so intense. She’d thought it was just her.

‘I could have stopped you. But I didn’t want to.’

‘Why? Because you’re such a giving person you were willing to sleep with me to help me out?’

‘No. Because I find you incredibly sexy and always have. Yes, I could have left, but I didn’t want to. I chose not to. I could have stopped you but I chose not to do that either. And I’m glad I didn’t because what we shared was special to me. Not just special—’ she paused, wondering how honest to be ‘—it was the most exciting, erotic experience of my life. I don’t regret it. I would do exactly the same again.’

‘Would you?’ His eyes met hers and suddenly it was hard to breathe.

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