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Meagan shrugged her shoulders and said, “Yeah, you know we fuck, then I leave, then when we’re both feeling lonely, we fu—”

Holding up my hands, I stopped Meagan from talking. “I get it, Meg. I. Get. It.”

“I’m happy with that arrangement, but Gray keeps . . . he keeps . . . ugh! Men!”

Falling backward, Meagan let out a dramatic sigh.

“He keeps what?”

“Wanting more! I can’t do more.”

Lying next to Meagan, we both stared at the ceiling. “Why can’t you do more, Meg?”

“Oh Grace. I want more than anything to do more, but I’m not good enough for him.”

Sitting up, I hit Meagan in the leg. “What in the hell does that mean? Meagan, you are more than good enough for Gray. I’d have to say he isn’t good enough for you.”

Lifting her hands over her head, Meagan grabbed a pillow and pushed it over her face as she screamed into it.

Standing up, I stared at her as she dropped the pillow to her side. “Feel better?”

Sitting up, Meagan rolled her eyes. “No.” Looking into my eyes, I saw Meagan’s eyes glass over. “Grace, you know how I went through all that shit in college. The bullying and everything?”

Nodding, I said, “Yeah, how could I forget.”

Swallowing, Meagan looked out the window and said, “There was one girl who seemed to just hate me. She was the one who started the rumors and shit.”

“I remember. What about her?”

Meagan’s eyes captured mine and I could see nothing but devastation. “She works with Gray. He took her to lunch the other day. I saw them together when I ran into them. I was taken back to college and I froze as she stared at me with that stupid bitch looking face of hers.”

“Holy shit, no way, Meg. She lives in Durango?”

Nodding, Meagan said, “And I think Gray might be attracted to her.”

Grabbing Meagan’s hands, I pulled her up and said, “You have to tell him how vile she is, Meg. Gray needs to know what kind of a bitch she is.”

Shaking her head, Meagan said, “No. If I do that then he’s going to ignore her or worse yet, say something to her and she’ll start up with something. I’ll handle her on my own but—”

“But what?”

Worrying her bottom lip, Meagan closed her eyes and said, “I overheard Gray telling Noah there was a new girl at work that was hot. Noah asked if Gray had been out with her and he said once. He said he was tired of waiting for the one girl he wanted to wake up and realize what they had . . . so he had asked Claire to go out on another date when he got back into town. He said they were going to celebrate the New Year together.”

Feeling all the air leave my body, I stood there staring at, Meagan. “So you’re going to take a back seat to this bitch, forget the feelings you have for Gray and just let her walk in and take him from you? Aren’t you tired of her taking something from you, Meg?”

Something moved across Meagan’s face as her mouth parted open. She looked at me hard for a few moments and then said, “I am. She ruined my whole college experience and by God I’m not going to let her keep getting away with this. For shits sake, I council kids on this shit.”

Smiling, I stood taller and said, “Hell yeah! Meagan, you are no longer that girl in college who let a bunch of cuntlickers bully her. You are Meagan fucking Atwood. You chew bitches like that up and spit them out!”

Meagan stood up and smiled. “Hell yeah I do! I . . . wait . . . did you call them cuntlickers?”

Nodding, I said, “Yeah. Why?”

Meagan stared at me for a few seconds before she busted out laughing. The next thing I knew, we were both on the bed laying down laughing our asses off. Noah walked through the door and looked at us as he let out a chortle.

“What’s so funny?” he asked as Meagan and I finally got some composure and sat up. Glancing over to Noah, I quickly stopped laughing as my mouth dropped open as I looked at his T-shirt.

The white T-shirt had a black and yellow sign across the top that read Oversized Load. Under the words was a figure of man, like you’d see on a construction worker sign. Except there was something drawn between the legs signifying a dick. He was holding a yellow sign that said, Caution.

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